Chapter 32

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I was just about to sever Snider's head from his body, when I suddenly woke up. The hospital room was still the same crammed space, making me crave for fresh air from the outside world.

My body was squeezed against Blake's chest, as we lay on the small hospital bed. He was sleeping on his back, while my head was resting on his chest. It wasn't the most comfortable position, as the bed was too narrow for the both of us, but we made it work.

Yesterday when he came back from his Alpha duties, his eyes darkened the moment he stepped through the threshold. Natalie and I had just been in the middle of trying to get me back up on the bed, however, because she wasn't the strongest witch, it proved to be quite the challenge.

Luckily for Blake's return, he then lifted me up into his arms and laid me back onto the bed. The initial glare he shot both Natalie and me told us we were in for big trouble.

Yet the scolding never came. His eyes softened and he expressed his condolences instead. Natalie, who had just calmed down, left the room on the brink of tears again.

I had a feeling that the red rims around both of our eyes were what stopped his angry rant. This only served to sour my mood, as I would have rather been caught dead than admit I'd been crying.

Later that night Blake refused to leave and spend the night in his own house. He was determined not to let me out of his sight, at least until I was completely healed. His idea was to spend the night in the chair next to my bed, but even I wasn't that horrible to force him into such an uncomfortable position.

In the end, we agreed he might as well sleep in the bed with me. I expected the nurses to make a fuss about my leg and refuse Blake to spend the night, however, not a single one put up a protest. Not even my mother.

Back to the present, I wondered what woke me up in the first place. My dream had just been getting good, as my revenge had been in my grasp. Then it all disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"No, please. Don't!" A female voice reached my ears.


Without a second to spare I leapt off the bed. I didn't even think about my injury, as I raced out of the room and down the hall. All I knew was that I needed to help my mom. Nothing else mattered.

Some wolfsbane must have already been metabolized, as I was able to move without screaming my lungs out in agony. It still hurt as fuck when I moved, but it was bearable.

"Look at you." A male hiss reached my ears and I instantly recognized it.


"You're a pathetic excuse for a wolf. I can't believe I was forced to mate with you."

"Re... Ren..." Mom's whisper of my name had my muscles flexing tighter than ever before.

"Your daughter isn't here to help you." His words that were nothing above a cold whisper, rang inside my mind like a loud alarm. "I need to teach you a lesson. Both of you. You actually thought you deserved a happy ending?"

I stopped in the open doorway of a hospital room and immediately found the reason for Mom's distress. Ulric had her pinned against the wall, with his hand wrapped around her neck. Her feet were dangling a few inches above the ground, making my blood boil.

I jumped at them without pausing. With vicious force I pulled his arm off her and pushed him away. He stumbled several steps backwards, almost managing to fall in the process. Then I spun around, so I was standing between them, with my back to my mom.

The pain growing through my leg was nothing compared to the rising heat in my chest. He would die for laying a hand on her.

"Re... Ren." His wide open eyes told me he hadn't known I was inside the hospital.

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