Chapter 2 ~ Spidey Senses

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You had somehow managed to graduate from middle school. Most likely due to Kaito's help. It was now time for your entrance exam for the highschool you're planning to attend, U.A. High. 

Since you were kids you and Kaito had promised each other that you would become heroes together. Till this day two still been trying to fulfill that promise. And what better school to do that then U.A..

"You ready sis?" Kaito asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." You shrugged.

"Haha you can do it. I beleive in you." Kaito smiled warmly as he gave me a pat on a head.

I smiled back, "You can do it too, lil' bro."

"Hey! You're only older by 3 minutes." He exclaimed, a frown now present across his lips.

"Still makes me older." You smirked playfully bump into your brother's shoulder.

"Lets just go before we miss the exam." Your brother huffed with a frown.

"Alright." You smiled.


You and your brothwr had made it just in time for the explanation of the practical, given to us by Present Mic who was much louder in person then he was over a radio.

From what he was explaining, the exam would be a ten minute mock battle. Each of us were split up in groups. You ended up in group A.

You had glanced over at your brother's card curious as to what group he was in. Which happened to be group C, much to your disapointment.

"We must be split up by relation, to avoid anyone working together." Your brother guessed.

"That sucks." You pouted.

You two turned your attention back to mic who was going over how you would be fighting different robots that were worth different points.

According to the sheet of paper that was passed out there were four different robots. All ranging in points from zero to three.

Which was made clear to us by a guy rudely interrupting by saying U.A. had made 'a mistake'. Which wasn't the case at all. These rich assholes would never allow that.

The rude guy had also complained about someone mumbling that asshat.

After that tedious explanation you were sent out to find your battle stations. Before Kaito and you had parted, you gave each other a gentle hug. Both of you wishing each other good luck.

On your journey to battle ground A, you did my best to calm your nerves and compose yourself. You knew you'd be okay, but couldn't help that feeling of doubt and anxiety that lingered inside.

As you arrived, you couldn't help the utter shock and amazement that hit me as you looked at the exam ground.

"Holy hell....It's huge." You gawked.

"Haha you know what else is huge?" A pervy voice from behind me said.

I turned around to face the perverted scumbag. "You talking about my dick." You smirked as you turned around to see a tiny grape looking dude.

And that my friends is how you separeate the pussy boys from men.

"That's cool...uh I don't mind." He visibly started to sweat.

"I don't know if you're fearless or just desperate. That line usually scares everyone off." You cringed.

"I just really enjoy me some eye candy no matter the genitals." He nodded proudly.

"My spidey senses are telling me to stay away from you." I look down at him with a completely mortified face then proceeded to walk far far away.

"Can't hide forever baby." He winked.

"Yes, I can!" You insisted.

It was then that the exam had started. "BEGIN THERES NO COUNTDOWNS IN REAL VILLAIN ATTACKS!!" Present Mic's voice rang throughout the area.

"Oh shit." You mumbled to yourself taking a deep breath then proceeding to run towards the entrace.

Immediately you began gethering light forming your plasma based energy, releasing it from your skin, lifting you up off the ground.

You then concentrated more of the energy in the palms of your hands. Shooting it at any robot you came across.

Possibly stealing other peoples robots..but it's everyone for themselves.

That is until a spikey headed boy screamed at you.

"I CALLED DIPS YOU THOT!!!!" He shouted.

"Excuse you sir?! Was your name written on that?" You asked.

"DOES IT MATTER I SAW IT FIRST!!!" He angerily replied.

"Well I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that you had seen it first."


"I can't hear you over the loud noice of me leaving this pointless arguement." You said zooming away.

In the end you managed to rake in a few more robot before the mock battle had ended. Then you were offthe the written exam.....

Let's just should've studied more.

Doodles (Soulmate AU) ( Shoto Todoroki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now