Chapter 19 ~ Gimme Gimme

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A/N: F a n s e r v i c e pt 2

Between balancing school and training for the Sports Festival, you felt yourself going through withdrawals. Withdrawals of what you ask, well that's simple you haven't played animal crossing in at least two days.

Whenever you weren't training or studying, you were sleeping. Oh how you missed your wrecked sleep schedule, terrible diet, not studying and minimal training. Being a good student was hard. You think to yourself how do smart do it.

Ahhh yes of course they are

🧚✨m e n t a l y s t a b l e ✨🧚.

What's that like?

"Hey, you ready to go on our run?" Kaito asked as he walked into your room.

"I'd much rather be playing my switch but sure!" You sarcastically replied.

"I thought you wanted to be a better student?" He sighed.

"Baby steps." You patted him on the shoulder.

"How about go on this run all the way through without giving up and you get 10 minutes on the switch." He comprised.

"DEAL!!!" You shouted.

"Good and each time you get through training without giving up or dying you get more minutes." Kaito gave you a sly glare.

He knows you too well.

"Bet I'm gonna get all the minutes!" You laughed similar to that of a vicious villain.

"Alright, then let's get going!" Kaito grabbed you by the hand dragging you along.

"Okay...." You sighed.

You and your brother jogged throughout the surrounding area. By the end you had ran a whole kilometer and you were down on all fours in your living room with your brother still standing laughing his ass off.

"You're so mean Kaito." You breathlessly hissed.

"No I'm just in shape unlike a certain lazy game junkie." Kaito gloated.

"At least I didn't give up!" You defended.

"You still complained throughout the entire jog." He reminded.

"What did I tell you about baby steps?" You pouted.

"Yeah whatever. You can have your switch." He said pulling it out of the drawer.

"YAY! Gimme gimme!" You held out your hands.

"Don't forget we still have to spar." He pulled it back.

"Uhhh wrong you still have to take it easy. Remember that nasty injury you got?" You reminded.

"Nope sorry I have no recollection of that." Kaito chuckled nervously.

"I remember that you were only allowed light training and no combat." You teased.

"Who's gonna spar you then? Let's not forget you still have to train and ready yourself for the festival." Kaito explained.

"I mean I could call Ochaco?" You pondered.

"Good job!" Kaito clapped.

You pulled out your phone and dialed the bubbly brunette. She answered after a few rings. "Hey [F/N], whats up?" She asked in her usual sweet tone.

"Hi, so um do you wanna maybe train with me, since Kaito is kinda out of commission right now?" You asked.

"...." Ochaco had not replied.

"You there?" You asked again worried.

"Oh yes! I'm just surprised you want to actually be active." She laughed.

"That's fair." You nodded in agreement.

"But of course I'll train with you!" She answered cheerful.

"Sweet meet me there in an hour." You explained.

"Okay see you soon!" She replied and you hung up.


You and your brother arrived at the training grounds at U.A. You had looked around for Ochaco however she had found you two first when you were tackled in a bear hug.

"HELLO!" She shouted as she had locked you in the hug

"C-can't breathe bro..." You mumbled.

"Ahh sorry!" She said releasing you.

"Its okay!" You quickly replied.

"Oki so shall we start training them?" She asked beaming a smile that screamed mischief.

"As much as I don't want to say yes, I have to." Your switch was home waiting for you.

"THEN LET'S GET GOING!" Your cheerful friend exclaimed.

"I'm gonna lose.." You sighed to yourself.

And lose you did. Just after a couple seconds of struggling you brunette friend had you pinned down with a beaming smile on her face.

"'re gonna need to buckle down on your training more [F/N] if you wanna get internships." She giggled.

"Rest in peace my switch I'll see you in another life." You cried.

"That was just depressing to watch." Kaito sighed in that disappointed voice you were way too used to hearing.

"Hey Ochaco is a lot tougher then she may seem." You huffed.

"You flatter me too much." She smiled getting off of you, holding out a hand to help you up.

"Tomorrow do you wanna spar again?" You asked a tad embarrassed.

"Of course!" Ochaco happily agreed.

And thats what you did. Over and over till the sports festival had rolled around you sharpened your skills. Earning more and more minutes on your switch.

Kaito was quite shocked at how hard you were training. Never had he seen you so fired up.

Doodles (Soulmate AU) ( Shoto Todoroki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now