Chapter 4 ~ We Match

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The first day at U.A. approched quikcly. As you slept in way too much, your brother came barreling into your room screaming at you to get up.

"Sshhhh it's to early." You said rolling back over and going the hell back to sleep.

"You're gonna be late on our first day." He hissed.

"Shhhh it's sleepy time." You hushed him only irritating Kaito futhermore.

He yanked the blankets off of you in hopes of finally getting you out of bed.

It worked.

"What the hell?!" You whined.

"We're gonna be late." He said.

"Ah shit." You sighed.

Mostly due to your brother's screaming you rushed through the apartment getting ready for dumb school.

"Let's fucking go." Your brother said annoyed as he held the door open for you.

"Uggghhh do I have to?" You whined.

"Yes." He quipped and dragged you out the door.


You finally arrived. Your brother had still been draging you all the way, until you reached a fairly bog door that said 1-A. Kaito turned to face you.

"One step closer." He held out his pinky.

"One step closer." You replied and wrapped your smaller pinky around  his much larger one.

Both of you had let go and walked in. You examined the people inside. There was a bubbly girl with bubble gum pink hair and skin to math with horns. A nervous looking boy with curly disheveled hair. A very robot like boy who was yelling at a very pissed off guy woth fluffly, spikey blonde hair.

Then you saw him. He was beautiful. A boy with red and white hair that was split down the middle. Hetrochomia eyes that were deep and peircing. The thing that stood out to you the most though, was the scar on the left side of his face. It was eerily similar to yours.

Your eyes widened in shock. You matched which could only mean one thing.

He's my soulmate...

You turned to your brother shaking. He looked back at you concerned and worried.

"I-it's s-s-soulmate." You somehow managed to say.

Your brother looked around till he spotted him.

"Holy shit." Was all he could say.

Both of stepped into the room. A few people came up toyou two to introduce themselves. You greeted them as nicely as possible before your feet took you to him. The boy who matched you.

He glanced up as he saw you approach him. Then his eyes widened a bit in shock. Not unlike yours did a few moments before. All you could say was "We match." You smiled as best you could.

"I suppose we do." He replied a bit breathlessly.

Then a weid catapilar looking dude wiggled through the door.

"If your here to mke friends leave right now." He stated firmly.

"This is the hero course. If your not gonna take it seriously then leave. Now everyone sit down." The catapilar guy continued.

Quickly everyone had sat down, not wanting to upset the supposed homeroom teacher.

"I'm your homeroom teacher Aizawa. Its a pleasure to meet you all." He said, although the tone of his voice told you otherwise.

He held a gym uniform."I want you all to put these on and meet me at field gamma." He plainly stated and everyone followed his directions.

You and the other girls took the uniform and made your way to the locker room. A happy looking girl with a brown bob then walked uo to you holding a cheery smile.

"Nice to neet you! I'm Uraraka Ochaco." She beamed.

"[L/N], [F/N]. But you can just call me by my first name. It makes it easier since my twin is in the same class." You replied with a smile.

"You have a twin?! That's so cool." She asked surprised.

"Yeah his names Kaito." You answered.

"Wow, what's he like?" She asked.

"Well he's detirmined, kind, caring, and he's always been there for me. I really love him." You smiled thinking about how lucky you got to have such a wonderful twin.

"I can tell." Uraraka softly smiled which you returned a bit embarrassed for getting so mushy.

"Haha yeah. He's great. Well I guess we should start getting ready for whatever catapilar teacher has planned." You chuckled nervously.

"Yeah he's super scary." She laughed.

Looks like I made my first friend here. How great.

Now to talk to my maybe soulmate...

Doodles (Soulmate AU) ( Shoto Todoroki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now