Chapter 13 ~ H A N D Y M A N

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A/N: So I'm back and I'll be updating regularly from now on. I have no excuse not other then my inspiration kinda just left me.

"Who dat?" You asked Kaito who sighed at your stupidity.

"That's thirteen. He's a pro hero." He explained.

"Hi everyone, I'm excited to be working with you all on your hero training. Welcome to the USJ we'll be learning how to rescue civilians in all types of natural disasters."

You kinda just zoned out till you saw Thirteen and Aizawa whispering to each other.

I finally noticed why. The third pro hero who was supposed to be here wasn't. All Might's not here.

"Ugh he's so irresponsible. Let's just get started." Aizawa shook his head in disappointment similar to how your brother would sigh at you, when he finds you K.O.ed on the couch with Outerbanks playing in the background.

"All right I have a few things to talk about." He started to explain how all quirks can be very dangerous if not used correctly. I started to tune out due to my very small attention span.

"I'm sure you all know what you're capible of with all the training from your teachers, but instead of using it to fight, you'll be using it to save understood." Thirteen said.

"Yes sir!" My classmates replied awakening me from my day dreams.

"Then let's get started!" Thirteen cheered.

We all started to follow them inside out simulation center when a type of portal looking cloud appeared and villains started to exit the cloud. I thought that maybe this was just part of the simulation, when I remembered this was just supposed to be rescue training.

"Hey don't think those are real villains right?" I shuddered.

"STOP, don't move they aren't part of the exercise, they are real villans." He yelled while putting on his badass goggles.

"Kaito get back!" I said dragging him away.

I looked around for Todoroki to make sure he was safe.

"Todoroki!" I yelled hoping he was okay.

"[F/N]! It's okay I'm right here.!" He yelled back he was a few feet away on the other side of the crowd.

I sighed in relief at the sight of him. "Afraid your boyfriend was kidnapped." Kaito waggled his eyebrows.

"At least I got someone." I winked.

Our conversation was interrupted at the sound scratchy voice of a villain "I see Thirteen and Earser Head, but I'm not seeing All Might, according to the schedule he was supposed to be here."

"Kaito....I'm scared..." You shuddered as you began becoming short of breath, hands shaking.

Your brother took your hand in his and looked into your eyes, "I promise it's okay. The pros will protect us.

"I don't want you to get hurt...Because I know I won't be able to protect you against them." You felt yourself begin to tear up.

You looked over and saw that Aizawa began to talk, "I see, so villans used the press as a cover up to get your hands on the U.A. schedule." Aizawa said.

"Where is he, I brought so many friends who want to meet him." The hand dude said motioning to his 'friends' to move forward. As Aizawa got into a fighting stance.

"How did so many villans get into a U.A. facility? This place practically impossible to get into with out setting off alarms." Kirishima said cofused.

"Thirteen, why didn't the alarms go off?" Yaoyozoru asked in a panicked tone.

"Good question, it may be because of one their quirks." Thirteen replied.

You then heard Todoroki's calm voice. You felt weak hearing him talk in such a calm and collected manner, but ultimately hearing his voice comforted you as well. "Did they attack the whole campus, or did they just attack this facility because it's isolated. Either way they were fools to break into U.A. They also must have a main objective if they thought this out so carefully."

"Maybe revenge? Didn't the handyman say something about looking for All Might? He might have beef with him." I added

"That could be it..." Todoroki nodded.

"Thirteen get the students out of here and protect them! If they were they were able to take down the alarms, they must've jammed the communication signals, too. Kaminari use your quirk to try to get in touch with the school, while I hold off these scumbags." Aizawa said.

Midoryia suddenly became worried and mentioned Aizawa's quirk not being suitable for this type of combat. However Aizawa had only brushed it off and jumped into danger fighting to portect us all. It was the kind of courage you wish you had.

It was moments like these where you begin to regret how you live. You're lazy and only opt to lay around rather then train and become stronger. Everyone here works so hard to be where they are at. While you do this half-assed and lazily.

You need to change.

To protect others. To protect the ones you love. And to keep that promise . To show Todoroki you are worthy of being his soulmate.

We all began to rush in the direction of the exit, when suddenly a form of mist blocked our way. "There is no escape!" He yelled viciously. It was a tad hard to take him serious though for he used the most common and cheesey line.

"We are the League Of Villans, sorry for just barging in like this." Vape guy announced.

"But we thought that this was the perfect place for the 'Symbol of Peace' to take his last breath. Wasn't he supposed to be here? Was there a change in plans? I guess it doesn't matter, after all I have a role I need to play." He continued.

It was then that rage man and Kirishima went in for attack towards the vape guy. Ultimately failing in the end, "You guys live up to this schools reputation."He bellowed, as he surrounded us in his portal smoke.

"I'll scatter you guys across this facility." A wave of vapor swept us all up.

I began to feel myself tremble as I looked around for Kaito, when suddenly a warmth enveloped me. Strong arms held tightly around me as I fell into an unknown area.

We hit the ground and I opened my eyes to see me laying on top of Todoroki. My face flushed as I rushed to get off of him.

"Are you okay?" He groaned.

"Y-yeah are you?" You muttered still flustered over the fact you were laying on that hunk of man.

"Of course your not that heavy." He admitted getting up off the ground.

"SO YOU THINK I'M SKINNY?!!!" You wheezed completely flattered by such a compliment.

"I guess..." He responded.

"Wait where's my brother?!!!" You suddenly realized.

"I don't see him. I think we were all split up into different areas of the USJ." He guessed

"What if he's hurt?! We have to find him." You insisted.

"We will ...but first we got something to take care of." He looked over to show you multiple villains walking in your direction.

"Awe shit." You sighed.

"Don't worry I'll protect you. These guys are small fry anyways." He said walking towards them confidently.

"I may not be as strong as you but I got your back Todoroki." You walked forward right beside him.

"Lets get rid of this scum then." He nodded.

Doodles (Soulmate AU) ( Shoto Todoroki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now