Chapter 15 ~ Soba

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When the bus ride ended and you returned to U.A., you began making your way for class 1-A. Todoroki had dragged you off the bus his hand still intertwined with yours. It was comforting, but you wanted to go home more then anything, however it also pained you. Your twin wouldn't be there to nark on you about homework, or complain about watching those stupid videos on YouTube.

You were cut out of your thoughts when brunette hair flashed by you and you were looking up and the pained face of Uraraka. "I wanted to check on you. Todoroki is it okay if I talk to [F/N]?" She asked with a obvious fake smile.

"Yeah, come find me after?" He asked to which you nodded.

He saw your reply and began walking back towards the school.

"So how are you holding up?" She asked unsure.

"What do you think?" You replied.

"I guess that was a dumb question. You're obviously very worried." She chuckled in embarrassment.

"I am....." You replied.

"Of course you are. You two may bicker but it's obvious how much you love each other." She smiled placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.

Uraraka's presence is similar to the sun warm and bright and you know it'll always be there. You're so lucky to have her as a friend you thought. "We do very much. It's always been us against the world and we've never really ever been apart for long."

"What about parents?" She asked.

"We live alone..." I admitted.

"Do you need somewhere to stay then?" Uraraka's face held nothing but concern.

"I think I'll be okay. I don't want to burden you." You smiled.

"Okay, if you need anything you have my number!" She said.

"Yeah I'll go find Todoroki now. Thank you Uraraka." You hugged her to which she returned gently.

"You're so welcome. If need anything please text me." She insisted.

"I will." You said taking your leave to find that beautiful soulmate of yours.

It didn't take long for you to find him, because he was right there waiting for you at the entrance of the classroom. You smiled at that. "Well that didn't take long." You chuckled

"I said I was gonna wait for you." He replied.

"You did."

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah after I change outta' my hero costume we can go. Shouldn't take too long." You said heading towards the girls locker room.

You entered and began removing your costume. Being alone gave you time to let your mind wander. You thought about how you needed to change. If something like this ever happens again, you want to be able to protect him so he can never be hurt again.

You want to be able to get back at those sad excuses for humans who dared to harm your beloved twin.

You looked at youself in the mirror. It was pitiful. Ratted hair, bloodshot eyes, dried tear marks, dirt covering your smooth skin. This was the person who's supposed to be a future hero, however all you saw was a lazy bum who's no where near that honor.

You walked over to the sink to wash your face. It was as though you were washing off all the bad qualities you held. As you wiped your face you promised yourself that you were gonna buckle down and work harder.

No more playing roblox till the asscrack of dawn. From now on you'll fix your sleep schedule, train harder, study more, put in effoert on homework. You want to be a new person, so you can show your brother that your worthy of that promise.

At that last thought you slammed your locker feeling much better then before. You exited the locker room and saw Todoroki waiting. "Shall we go?" He asked.

"Yeah let's go." You said with more confidence then before.

"You seem to be feeling better." Todoroki stated.

"Changing gave some time to think about things." You explained.

"No wonder it took you a while." He gave a ghost of a smile.

"Hey, life changing events can occur as you look at your half naked self in the mirror." You snapped back to which he replied with a blush.

"You just pictured me half naked didn't you." You gave him a sly smile.

"No." He replied turning his head.

"And here I thought you were just a rock. Wow the great Todoroki is a teenage boy after all." You laughed.

"Can we stop talking about this. Will you be okay at home by yourself?" He asked.

"Well I'll admit it'll feel really empty without Kaito there. We live on your own. I think I'll manage." You gave a fake smile. You were a tad nervous to be home on your own.

Thinking you can get your act together over night would be getting too ahead of yourself. Change takes time and this happened so suddenly. "This may be inappropriate to ask of me, but do you want me to come over. We can have dinner together? I know how to make soba." He asked.

Your eyes widened in shock, "Will that be okay?! Your family won't get mad at you?!"

"Just another way to piss off my old man. It amuses me when he tried to act like a father and lecture me. It's also a great excuse to stay away from home." He explained.

"If you insist." I shrugged actin nonchalant while inside my head I was yelling.


Doodles (Soulmate AU) ( Shoto Todoroki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now