Chapter 12 ~ Who Dat

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It was now time for heroing 101. Joy. Today we were to be doing rescue training with All Might, Aizawa, and a guest teacher off campus.

Aizawa has dismissed us to change into our hero costumes and meet him outside by the buses. I quickly grabbed my costume and made my way for the girls change room.

Us girls were all getting changed, when Jirou started putting her earphone jacks against the wall, catching out attention.

"Whatcha doin' Kyouka?" I asked.

"Perverts..." She mumbled.

"That disgusting purple monster." Yaoyorozu shivered.

Then we heard a loud high pitched scream coming from the boys lockerroom, and a smirking Jirou.

"Poked him in the eye."

"Now that's what I call being a hero!" Ashido cheered.

"Good job, Jiro." Yaoyorozu gave Jirou a high-five.

"Hey, we better head out to the bus." Tsu suggested.

"Awe shit right...hero class." I sighed.


"ALRIGHT EVERYONE SINGLE FILE LINE ONTO THE BUS!!" Our lovely class prez ordered.

And no one had listened.

While on the bus, we made conversation with one another. Somehow we managed to reach the topic of quirks.

"Ya know Midoryia, your quirk reminds of All Mights a little bit." Tsu commented and Midoryia looked shocked.

"Yeah I guess you could say that." He mumbled. That comment must've caught him off guard.

"Midoryia's quirk hurts him though, All Mights doens't." Kirishima said.

"His is also super cool and flashy. Mine isn't its great for defense and support. But not nearly as cool looking." He added.

"Awe no way, I think yours is amazing definitely pro material." Deku smiled in fanboy.

"Yeah I agree Kiri yours is super cool looking." I added.

"We wanna talk about flashy mine is definitely the winner." Aoyama confidently said.

"Not if it gives you a stomach ache, hun." Mina chuckled.

"If we're talkin pro here Todoroki and Bakugou are definitely it." Kirishima smirked in Bakugou's direction and he had turned his head.

"Yeah but Bakugou is always angry so he'll never be too popular." Tsu laughed.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!!" He suddenly shouted.

"I mean she's just saying we have only just met you and I'm sure everyone here is aware that your personality is burning trash mixed with crap." Kaminari shrugged.


"Bakugou 'ya gotta admit the playboy over there has a good point." You snorted.

"AT LEAST IM NOT A LAZY ASS!!" He shouted defensively.

"Please shut up we're here." Aizawa-Sensei firmly stated.

Soon after Aizawa-Sensei's warning we all exited the bus, we're then faced with a fancy ass facility titled the USJ.

"Is this some knock off universal studios Japan?" You asked.

"I don't think so sis." Your brother replied.

"You're correct young man this in indeed not. This is a rescue training facility. Were you all will practice in various environments. Such as shipwrecks, landslides, and storms." A pro hero dressed in a space suit informed.

"Who dat?" You asked.

Doodles (Soulmate AU) ( Shoto Todoroki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now