Chapter 5 ~ A Straight Hottie

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A/N: Long chapter oops!

Turns out you put on those dumb gym clothes for a quirk assessment test. If you had known this was gonna happen you wouldn't have stayed up so late watching youtube.

You were so not ready for this.

Aizawa tossed a ball to the spikey headed blonde. "Bakugou how far could you throw a softball back in middle school?" He asked.

"67 meters I think." Bakugou replied bored.

"Try using your quirk. Step into that cirlce do whatever you want except step out of the circle." Aizawa explained.

A smirk was shown on his lips as he winded his arm back to throw. "DIE!!!" He shouted as the ball left his palm.

A seemingly explosion trailed behind the ball boosting it through the air. Everyone was in all as they watched.

The homeroom teacher then held up a device that read '705.2 m'.

Aizawa then proceeded to explain the details of the quirk apprehension test. To which whike he was explaining you were zoning out in and out. Only catching parts of what you were going to do. All you coukd think at the time was.....I'm way to lazy for this.

You then tought about you and you brother's promise, which encouraged you slightly, however the couch potato energy you held told you that this was gonna be rough.

"Oh fuck." Was all you could say earing strange looks from your classmates.


Throughout the test you observed the boy who was your soulmate. Todoroki. His quirk was ice related and from what you saw it was powerful. Being near him and observing him made you feel inferior. You also observed you new friend Uraraka's abilities. She was quite strong as well.

Her quirk was a gravity type quirk. It matched her personality quite well you thought.

Seeing how strong your classmates and your brother were made you think about how you weren't very good. You really are a disappointment you thought to yourself. The only thing that kept you going however, was that promise.

You vowed to keep that promise and you'd be damned if you didn't stop your laziness from not keeping it.

Now it was towards the end. The very last which was the ball throw. After a couple of other people went it was your brothers turn. His quirk wasnt very suited this so he just threw the ball as hard as he could. Earning 53 meters as a score.

Next was you.

You planned on doing something smiliar to Bakugou was his name?  Throwing the ball and using your plasma as a sort of boost.

As you stepped up to the circle you took a glance at your brother who held a thumbs for you, which you returned right back. You then looked at Todoroki who held a neutral expression.

You reeled your arm back preparing to throw. You took a deep breath, focusing on the heat from the sun letting it enter the pores of your soft skin. As you threw the ball the engergy you stored up was released in your palm as plasma giving the ball an extra boost that left it flying far.

You turned to your homeless looking teacher waiting for you score. He showed you the device that read 678.5 meters. You smiled in triumph it was a much better score then you expected.

Doodles (Soulmate AU) ( Shoto Todoroki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now