Chapter 16 ~ Sir That's Too Attractive

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A/N repeat after me everyone. Todoroki in a muscle shirt.

Having Todoroki in your home was a bit comforting. Although your sure this was less then appropriate considering your brothers in the hospital right now, however you were already planning on visiting him tomorrow.

"Wow...." Todoroki said entering your apartment.

You smiled, "What's that supposed to mean?" You laughed.

"Nothing." He replied.

"You can thank Kaito for how clean it is." You laughed.

"I uh-." He didn't seem to know how you respond to you.

How cute you thought to yourself, "Make yourself comfortable. We can turn on a movie, or play some games like animal crossing. We can always watch life hack videos on youtube as well. They may seem pointless but there very fun to watch-." You looked over to see him staring at you with an unreadable look, who were you kidding though 90% of this boy's looks were unreadable.

"Am I rambling too much?" You asked.

"No...It was actually cute." He bluntly announced.

Your heart about stopped and you just about fell over yourself hearing him say that. No warning?! Was he trying to kill you?!

"Good lord give me a warning next time you say something like that!" You scolded.

"What's wrong? Is it weird that I said that? Did I make you uncomfortable?" He asked and you were sure that was the most sentences this man gave you at once.

"Are you aware of how attractive you are?" You asked before you realized what you just said.

'Oh shit...'

"I don't know how to answer that." Todoroki replied.

"What I'm getting at is uhhhh....when you say something like that....girls find it incredibly flattering and will most definitely fall at your feet due to how charming you are." You explained.

God did you ever internally roll your eyes at the nonsense falling from your lips. You looked up at Todoroki to see him even more baffled then before. He really just doesn't get it.

We love a modest man though.

"Anyways come join me on the couch and watch Netflix. I also have Hulu too." You insisted as you made motions directing him to join you.

He removed his shoes and blazor and walked towards the blue couch. "I don't know what Netflix is . Is it some sort of app on the television?" He asked with innocent eyes.

"Oh dear god you poor innocent thing am I ever going to corrupt you." You laughed as imaginary devil horns formed on your head.

"My dad never really allowed me to watch TV." He admitted.

"I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing on his part.  Anyways we'll pick a movie out what's your favorite genre?" You asked looking at the very confused but still stoic boy.

He took a moment before answering, "How about a comedy." He suggest which surprised you.

You didn't peg him to be the type who was interested in such a thing. "You like comedy?!" You asked in shock.

"Not particularly but you seemed like the type who enjoys it. That's why I suggested a comedy." He admitted looking away.

Doodles (Soulmate AU) ( Shoto Todoroki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now