Ch. 3, the first night🔥

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Jimin's POV

I felt Jungkook's hand stroking my back and when I looked at him I saw the concern in his eyes.

''Yoongi...'' I said, he rolled his eyes and I smacked his chest.

''One, what's up with Yoongi. And secondly why the fuck are you smacking my chest?'' He asked me while he took ahold of my hands.

''He's my boyfriend! And I just kissed another guy! I asked him when we're over and he said when he saw me kissing or grinding on another man. Y'know I basically ended our three years relationship in ten seconds! And I smacked your chest because you rolled your eyes at me.'' I said while I tried to get out of his hold. But of course, he is way too strong for me.

''For now, forget that I'm your seducer just see me as a brother, close friend or whatever. But is your relationship really that strong if you just let yourself be kissed by another man in the first few hours? I mean, it's very fast you know. And don't be childish about that.'' He told me and I thought about his words. I knew he's right but I don't wanna admit, it can't be I forgot about Yoongi this fast, can it?

''I-I just caught u-up in the m-moment. N-now let m-me go!'' I said and he finally let go of my hands. I stood up and ran/walked to our room.

''AND I AIN'T CHILDISH.'' I yelled when I entered our shared room. I let myself fall on the bed, please god what have I done? Did I really just ended the three years with Yoongi? I thought I could make it, that it won't be hard for us. But here I am, already kissing another man in the first hours. I started to regret what I did to Jungkook, I mean he's right and I just walked away...

Jungkook's POV

I laid my head back on the edge of the pool and sighed. I mean I understand that you're confused when you just kissed another man while you're in a relationship with someone for three years. But I can't help it, right? I mean I am his seducer but he literally asked me to kiss him.

And there was no denying it, he liked it. Everything pointed to that, just the way he gave into me. Maybe I should go and check on him, but on the other hand he just walked away when I stated facts. I sighed once again.

''Alright fuck it.'' I whispered and walked to our room.

Jimin's POV

Just as I was about going to Jungkook he walked into the room.

''Hi.'' I said sheepishly when we suddenly stood face to face.

''Well, hello.'' He said and smirked. ''You were coming back to me by any chance?'' And I nodded.

''Yeah, I ehm wanted to apologize for y'know, just walking away like that. It... it's very confusing and all.'' I tried to explain and he nodded.

''It's fine, wanna go eat? It's six so yeah.'' I nodded and we walked to the kitchen which is for everyone in this resort.

''Hey JK, we're cool right?'' I asked him a little worried.

''Yep, nothing to worry about.'' He said and I nodded. ''Anyway what do you wanna eat?''

''Do they have pizza somewhere?'' I asked and he chuckled.

''Dunno, wait a minute.'' He said and I nodded. He searched through the freezer and then he held out a pepperoni pizza. ''Do you like this one?'' He asked me and I nodded once again.

''Hell yeah I do.'' He chuckled and placed the pizza in the oven after he had warmed it up. We sat down on the couch while we waited for the pizza.

''Are you ready for tonight?'' He asked me and I looked at him.

''What do you mean? It's just a party?'' I asked him and he widened his eyes. He changed his position so his whole body was facing while I did the same.

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