Ch. 15, reunion 🔥

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Jimin's POV

I nervously walked towards the beach when it was 8, in a few minutes I will meet Yoongi again after two weeks. I thought we would stand it, but we both fell for someone else, turns out a lot different than we both thought. 

When I walked towards the spot where we always sat when we got to see the images of our boyfriends, I saw Yoongi already sitting with Kaj and Yolanthe. I gulped hard as I walked further and sat quietly down next to Yoongi. That will say, he's at the left edge of the bench and I'm at the right. 

''So,'' Kaj began. ''Yoongi and Jimin, you got anything to say towards each other?'' He asked. 

''Asshole,'' Yoongi muttered. 

''Pardon?! Are you saying that towards me?'' I said with a raised voice as I looked over that him. 

''No towards Kaj,'' He said as he rolled his eyes. ''Of course towards you dumbass.'' He then said. 

''And why the hell am I the asshole and dumbass?'' I asked offensively as I watched him with wide eyes. 

''Dude, you literally fell for that Jungkook boy the first day, I fucking wanted to marry you. We wanted to marry, but you had to fall for another boy. You fucked everything up the first day, you think I'm gonna stay loyal to you when you cheated the first damn day? No Jimin, just no, I really thought we could make it together but no.'' He said as his voice gets louder. 

''Don't you dare to blame everything on me. In these two weeks, Jungkook taught me what real love is. He shows me how it is to feel loved, we aren't meant to be Yoongi. You know damn well you feel better, more loved when you're with Hoseok than with me. Don't fucking dare to deny it.'' I said as my tone got louder and pointed at him aggressively. 

''I know Hoseok wouldn't cheat on me in a day, unlike you.'' He said back, his tone a bit more quiet. 

''You had his eyes on him when you met him the first day. Don't deny it, we both know it.'' I pointed out which caused his eyes to widen a little. 

''How do you know?'' He asked me, his voice now normal. 

''Hoseok told me when they got to saw us. You basically cheated the first day we got here, I bet you were already imagining how he would look when you're under him. You might were the top when we were together, but we both know Hoseok tops between you.'' I shot towards him

''I might eyefucked him there, but so did you. Your boyfriend told me.'' He said with a victorious smirk. 

''I didn't eyefuck him, I thought about how we, Jungkook and I, look so much better together than you and I,'' I smirked. 

''So you literally gave up our relationship when you just met him?!'' He now almost shouted which caused me to smirk. 

''You will never know, at least he treats me like a boyfriend should do,'' I said and right after he stood up.

''You disappointed me Jimin I thought you were better than that. I thought our relationship was strong like a rock, but it turns out it was as weak as a paper.'' With that, he turned around and walked away.

''Tssk, acting like the victim now, huh,'' I muttered as I stood up too and bowed. ''Thank you so much for this experience Kaj and Yolanthe. I'm really thankful.'' I said towards them.

''You're welcome Jimin, I hope, even though you may hate him now, you and Yoongi will make up.'' Yolanthe said softly as she looked me in the eyes. 

''Thank you,'' I said as I bowed once again.

''But we have to say.'' Kaj started as he smirked. ''You and Jungkook look way better together.'' He whispered as bent forwards. 

''Thanks,'' I smiled and turned around to walk back towards our shared room. Tomorrow everyone will leave at 12, I'm excited to go back to Busan with Jungkook. Wait, does he even still live in Busan? I never asked him, I must do it when I see him.

''Hey baby,'' Jungkook said as he greeted me when I walked inside our room. 

''Hi sexy,'' I said and placed my lips on his. 

''Hmm how was it?'' He asked while he dragged us towards my bed when he let us fall with me on top of him. 

''It was fine, I got the feeling he tried to blame everything on me. He said I cheated on the first day, which is maybe true but so did he.'' I said as I drew invisible circles on his clothed chest. 

''I see, did he say more?'' Jungkook asked softly above me. 

''Yeah, when he left he said he was disappointed in me and said he thought our relationship was strong like a rock, but it turns out it was as weak as a paper. I have to say, I thought the same.'' I said quietly.

''Maybe you both needed each other for those years but weren't you meant to be forever.'' He said as he kissed the crown of my head. 

''Maybe...'' I sighed. 

''Are you tired baby?'' He chuckled as I nodded my head. ''Then sleep baby,'' He said and kissed my head again.

''Hmm, I don't wanna,'' I said softly. 

''Why not?'' He asked me. 

''I don't know when we get to lay in each other's arms again so I wanna enjoy this,'' I said quietly.

''Baby,'' He said and lifted my head to press a kiss on my lips. ''You live in Busan right?'' And I nodded. ''We can see each other as much as we want. And I don't know about you but I live on my own.'' He said softly and I gulped. 

''I-I lived with Yoongi.'' As soon as I said his name I heard Jungkook groan and he looked not so happy.

''You're coming with me, to my house tomorrow. Maybe we will get your stuff tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow. But there's no way I'm letting you stay with him in one house for even a minute.'' He groaned as he claimed my lips again.

''Relax baby,'' I said as I broke apart. ''I'm yours,'' I said and smashed my lips on his again. 

''That's what I wanted to hear.'' He said as he chuckled. ''Now sleep,'' He demanded to which I nodded. 

''Goodnight Jungkookie,'' I said as I kissed his lips once again. 

''Goodnight baby.'' He said as he pulled the covers over us. I snuggled further into his chest and pressed a few kisses there but then closed my eyes to fall asleep. 


Just one chapter left!

Hi! If you don't get the story please say it, for me it's all logic but maybe for you guys not. I'll try to edit the story if you guys don't get the story! 

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