Ch. 7, mark me 🔥

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Jimin's POV

Safe, was the first thing I felt when I woke up. The warm, strong embrace I was in made me feel safe, at home, wanted, loved. I carefully turned around to face Jungkook, but I didn't want to wake him up yet. I looked at his features and once again I saw how beautiful he really is.

I thought about how we ended up in bed together and then the images of Yoongi having sex with that horse face came back in my mind.

I felt tears building up in my eyes when I saw the images playing in my head, I buried my head in his chest to feel comfort. He immediately tightened his grip on me and snuggled his head into the crown of my hair. I smiled at the cute action, is he even still asleep?

''Jungkook?'' I asked softly without moving, but no reaction. ''Jungkookie?'' I asked again but then a bit louder and he still gave no reaction. I stopped trying, I guess he's still asleep and I don't wanna wake him up. I closed my eyes again and tried to sleep

Jungkooks POV

I woke up and I'm immediately met with probably the cutest sight ever, Jimin is snuggled up in my chest while his arms are somewhere around my neck. I caressed his hair softly while I thought about how broken he looked yesterday, I thought he was over that guy but it turns out he wasn't. As soon as he walked in yesterday I felt my heart breaking, he doesn't deserve all of this. I felt something moving around my neck I looked down and saw Jimin's eyes slowly fluttering open.

''Morning beautiful,'' I said softly while I still caressed his soft locks.

''Morning... handsome.'' He said the last part shyly which makes him ten times cuter.

''How did you sleep,'' I asked concerned.

''Perfect.'' He said but that wasn't what I wanted to hear.

''How did you sleep after yesterday night?'' I asked while I lifted up his chin so he had to look me in the eyes.

''I-I feel weak, sick, broken, used. I don't know.'' He then said almost inaudible but I catch it.

''You aren't weak baby, in fact, you're very strong. I can't fix the other things you feel but I am here if you need me, please promise me not to think about it the whole time?'' I asked him and he shook his head but then nodded.

''I'll try.'' He whispered which caused me to smile.

''Do you have something you wanna do today?'' I asked him while I caressed his locks again. It was silent for a few seconds but then he spoke. 

''Just chilling in our room and maybe in the pool?'' He said while he looked up at me, I couldn't help myself, I had to peck his lips. Which is exactly what I did, I softly pressed my lips against his. But I did nothing more, I don't think it's the right for that now.

''I'm fine with whatever you want baby, do you want to go into the hot tub tonight?'' I asked him with my still hoarse voice. He nodded and pecked my lips softly.

''Sounds perfect to me.'' He said which caused me to smile.

''Anywayy~ don't you think it's a good idea to stand up and grab breakfast?'' I asked him. But he shook his head.

''Nope, I wanna stay in bed a little longer.'' He said while he wrapped his arms around my waist to hold me tighter and snuggled deeper into my chest.

''But I'm hungry!" I whined but he just chuckled.

''I don't care, I'm not and I wanna stay in bed a little longer so we are gonna stay longer in bed. You can't go anywhere anyway.'' He said.

''Are you sure about that?'' I asked with a teasing voice.

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