Ch. 12, I'm screwed🔥

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Jimin's POV

"Jungkookiee, please just tell me what did I do last night?" I whined while l tugged on his shirt.

"I'm not gonna tell you! It's not only embarrassing for you but for me too!" He sighed and tightened his grip on my waist.

"I don't care! It's not like I'm gonna laugh at you since I did stupid things too! I said and crossed my arms, facing him with a small pout.

''You stood on the table, trying to dance to the music and making your own lyrics to it. Not to mention what kind of lyrics you had chosen.'' Jungkook said while looking everywhere but me.

''What lyrics was I singing?'' I asked and took ahold of his chin to force him to look me in the eyes. 

''I'm not quite sure anymore.'' He said still trying to look away.

''Then what did it look like?'' I asked in a stern voice.

''Something that went like,  'Yoongi is a dick, Jungkook has one but is bigger than Yoongi's. JK fucks me better than that asshole, he knows my spots. He makes me cum within 10 minutes when he gives me a blowjob. You may have a dick but always remember Jungkook's one will always be bigger.'' He said while he had a blush on his cheeks, probably from the embarrassment. 

''You have to be kidding me!'' I said while letting go of his chin and standing up.

''I'm not! Go ask the others!'' Jungkook said while holding his hands up in the air.

I hesitated for a bit but then ran towards the room in which Jin and Taehyung are. 

''Hey Ji-'' Taehyung started but I cut him off.

''Is it true that I stood on the table last night while singing something about Jungkook's dick?'' I asked them in a hurried voice.

''Ehh yeah, you did,'' Taehyung replied while holding in his laughter.

''Don't laugh at me! Do you know how embarrassing this is!'' I yelled at him.

''It's not only embarrassing for you Jimin.'' He said and I looked at him with a confused face. ''Jungkook must be embarrassed too.''

''Glad you understand me.'' A voice suddenly said behind me and I felt a pair of arms sneaking around my waist, Jungkook.

''I got your back bro.'' Taehyung grinned while letting himself fall back into the couch.

''I'm sure it's more embarrassing for me than for him.'' I pouted with crossed arms.

''Maybe, but relax nobody has got their phones with them so it will only be in their memories and I'm pretty sure that most of them have already forgotten it.'' Jungkook said behind me while his arms are still around my waist.

''But still!'' I shouted and stamped my feet on the ground.

''Look, baby, you can get angry over this but it happened and you can't turn in back now. So shut your mouth about this or go to our room and come out when you're normal again.'' Jungkook warned me with a stern voice.

''You ain't my mom!'' I yelled and got out of his hold.

''I won't play like your mom if you don't act like a child.'' He said with crossed arms.

''I think we better take our leave,'' Jin said and took Taehyung with him towards the door. It may be their room but in this case, they have to leave their room for us.

''I'm not acting like a child! So don't treat me like one!'' I shouted as soon as they were gone.

''Jimin. come one. You aren't showing the behavior of a grown man now. I get that you find it embarrassing, but making such a big deal of it isn't really adult behavior.'' He said with a stern voice, I almost feel like I'm scolded by my mom now.

''You should show respect, I'm still your Hyung.'' I pointed out.

''Don't change the subject Jimin!'' He said with a raised voice.

''I'm not acting like a child,'' I mumbled under my breath.

''Then why do you make such a big deal of it?'' He asked me, this time with a softer voice.

''What do you think Jungkook? They'll show this to Yoongi he'll laugh at me, he'll make fun of me. I'm fucked don't you get it! And this will be shown to the whole damn world. Do you have any idea what this could mean for me?! Just in case you don't know, I don't have a job at the moment, I just came from school. If I wanna find a job the first thing they'll see when they search me up will be pictures out of the video. You think they'll accept me then? Do you have any idea how fucked up this is?'' I yelled at him and felt tears building up in my eyes. 

I felt a pair of arms around me, I don't want his arms right now but I don't have the strength to fight back so I just let him be.

''Calm down baby, I'm sure if you just tell the crew you don't want it to be shown towards Yoongi and the world they won't. They'll understand, so please don't stress out and calm down.'' He said in a soothing voice.

''Y-you t-think t-they'll do i-it?'' I sniffled while looking up at him with tears in my eyes. He nodded and wiped my tears away with his thumb.

''They'll have to baby.'' He grinned and pressed his lips against mine.

''I-I'm sorry m-maybe I d-did over-react,'' I said quietly while pressing myself against his chest. I heard him chuckle above me and felt his hand finding its way through my hair. 

''It's fine baby, I get it.'' He said softly and then pushed me away a bit to kiss me again. I kissed him back and soon the kiss got heated. He forced his tongue into my mouth and began exploring every inch of my mouth while I kept on moaning in the kiss. He pushed me on the couch and soon his hands found their way under my shirt. 

''EW GUYS GO TO YOUR OWN ROOM OR SOMETHING BUT NOT ON OUR COUCH PLEASE!'' An angry Jin yelled in the doorway. We quickly sat straight up and stared at each other a bit awkward. 

''I'm glad you guys made up, but please if you wanna have sex go to your own room and not on our couch. I won't be able to sit on there ever again if I know you have done it on that couch.'' Taehyung said with a disgusted face. 

''Sorry, sorry, sorry we're leaving!'' Jungkook said quickly and pulled me up on my two feet to go to our room.

''Did could have loosened your grip on my wrist you know,'' I said with a pouty look.

''Sorry baby.'' He said and pecked my lips. ''It was just way too awkward there, I wanted to leave as fast as possible. Anyway, give me your wrist.'' He said and looked at him confused but gave it anyway. He held it close to his mouth and gave it kisses everywhere.

''You're so cheesy,'' I said while I tried to hide my blush.

''But you like it.'' He said with a small smirk.

''Yeah true,'' I mumbled quietly.

''You're way too cute for me.'' He said and gave me a kiss.

''I'm somehow glad they didn't get to see anything.'' I sighed and let myself fall on Jungkook's bed.

''Hmm me too, imagine them seeing us naked on top of each other. They would have a trauma.'' He said with a chuckle.

''True, but a beautiful trauma,'' I said with a small giggle.

''They didn't get anything to see, and I want to keep it like that.'' Jungkook began but never ended his sentence.

''What do you mean?'' I asked him confused. But he just stood up and locked the door, he then walked back to me and hovered above me. I just let him go his way, kinda liking to where this is going.

''I mean, they didn't get to see anything and I wanna keep it like that but that doesn't mean I don't want you.'' He said and smashed his lips on mine. 


Hi! If you don't get the story please say it, for me it's all logic but maybe for you guys not. I'll try to edit the story if you guys don't get the story! 

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