Ch. 11, the seventh day🔥

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Jungkook's POV

''And how's the seducing going by all of you?'' Baekhyun asked us on the seventh day on the island and all the seducers came together to talk a little on the beach. 

''Great!'' Jay replied excited while smirking. ''Bambam is falling like a rock for me. He said he wanted to break up with Jackson.'' He looked like he had just won a war.

''Don't you feel bad for him? I mean you broke them apart, he thinks you really like him but in reality, as soon as you get off the island you're never gonna talk to him again.'' I asked him in disbelief. Someone can't be like this, right?

''Nah, why would I? I came here to do my job, my job is to seduce him. I did, and he fell for it. He came here to prove his relation is strong enough to endure this but it wasn't. So no, I don't feel bad at all.'' Jay said while he looked me in the eyes.

''How is it between you and Jimin going though? I see things are pretty serious?'' One of the other seducers, Soobin, asked me.

''Well, yeah. We're actually serious, we are together and it's serious. That Yoongi-guy is dating the horse face so everything is fine. I'm sure they won't go back together. Jimin is mine, and Yoongi is Hoseok's.'' I said casually. 

''I see, never thought you would find the 'perfect' man during this. I thought you were like, 'I'm just gonna fuck all of them, break everything and walk away like I did nothing.' Y'know, that was what I thought of you, but not all chefs wear knives.'' Yeonjun, another seducer said.

''What's that supposed to mean? 'Not all chefs wear knives.''' Jay asked confused.

''It means you can be mistaken about people,'' Beakhyun said, rolling his eyes because of Jay.

''Well, that's what I thought too. It just happened that Jimin won my heart.'' I said in a dreamy voice.

''Okay, okay let's move on. This man is getting cliché.'' Soobin grinned. 

''Hey! I'm just expressing my feelings!'' I said with a pouty look.

''Yeah, but Soobin is right,'' Jay said while laughing. 

''I hate you all,'' I mumbled. ''Anyway, how are the things going with Taehyung and Jin?'' I asked all of them. I never tried to seduce them, I've had my eyes on Jimin ever since I came so there was no need to seduce others. 

''Nobody can seduce them!'' Baekhyun said looking almost angry. ''I tried to seduce Taehyung, I did literally everything to make him fall for me but nothing worked! I made him drunk, but even then he kept on clinging to Nick. I did my best moves, but he didn't even looked impressed. I took him to the swimming pool but he didn't want to sit on my lap. When I asked him to eat dinner with me, he said no because he was going to eat with Jin. Well, that was the moment I gave up on him, he literally refused dinner with me so he could eat with another taken man.'' He said now really looking upset. 

''Seems like he's proving their relationship is strong enough.'' Soobin shrugged. 

''Well, no. Nick is fucking around with Chanyeol.'' I said chuckling.

''WHAT? And why the fuck is Taehyung still being loyal?'' Soobin asked full of disbelief.

''Since when is that dude fucking around with that other dude?'' Baekhyun asked at the same time.

''Since the last bonfire, Jimin told me Taehyung vomited when he saw them together,'' I said while looking at Baekhyun. ''I guess he still loves Nick, that's why he's still loyal. I mean he did come yesterday when we had a party but had no sexual contact with anyone.'' I said now towards Soobin.

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