🦋 Prologue 2 🦋

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"............WHAT DID YOU WANT ME TO DO BACK THEN !!!TO DIE !?! TO KILL MYSELF !?! "said Hassan shouting at his oldest brother.


" I TRIED !!! OKAY !? SEVERAL TIMES ACTUALLY !!! " just as these words left his mouth it made everyone around him quiet.

" I did try to kill mysell...." his voice was small and his eyes slowly started to fill with tears but he wouldn't let them fall, not again.

" But it seemed like even Allah did not want me at that time"

Not being able to bear their gazes anymore, Hassan got out of the house slamming the door behind him .

" He tried to kill himself......"
thought Mohammed looking at the door his brother left from .


Hi guys !!! This is my first book and first time ever writing so I'm far from being pro and the only reason I actually started writing this book is to lose time and write the scenarios that goes through my head.

There will be a lot of grammatical and spelling errors, especially in the beginning. The first half of the book was written in a rush most of the time and when my English was even worst than now.

So please understand that it is not my first language and don't hesitate to correct me in the replies.

My way of writing is definitely not the best and far from good and I'm aware, I will get better hopefully.

I will be rewriting this in the future that's for sure.

Lastly I wanted to point the important fact that are going to be in this story, just so y'all are aware.

- Mental abuse
- Depression
- Rape

I think these are all the one that needs to be told in case people don't like it.

I don't like violence so it won't be used to much and also another big factor is that there is no cheating in this book.

This book is sad, I have this liking about angst and I don't hesitate to write it all the time lol

So if you don't like serious story this is not for you.
Although written from 3rd POV this book mainly express Hassan the most. I was supposed to write it from his POV but then changed it.

Of course Elmas who is part of the main carachter will be talked about a lot as well but not more than Hassan.

If you start this book thinking that romance is the only thing it talks about then you will be disappointed.
Family, dealing with the past and just life in general is talked about a lot in this story.

Anyways if you pass by I really hope you don't dislike it that much lol !

Enjoy !

* Elmas actually means " Diamond " in Turkish .

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