eleven ──── the date .. er .. the get-together.

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I had finally managed to get the doctor's permission to take y/n out of her hospital room, but I have to keep a close eye on her and make sure she doesn't collapse. Seems pretty simple. Now, I just have to make sure she is getting dressed for the occasion-

"Get out!"

A glass vase had easily made contact with my head as I had just opened the door to her room.

She has .. really good aim.

"Alright, Kakashi."

I looked up at her as she stood silently above me. She was wearing a beautiful (color) kimono with an intricate design covering it, but when I looked up at her face I noticed Obito's goggles secured around her head making me feel a twinge of sadness in my heart.

"Ready," I asked as I easily jumped up.


I took her to many places and introduced her to many of my friends. I even introduced her to the Fourth Hokage who just so happened to be my Sensei.

Eventually, she made tons of new friends who had all promised to visit her in the hospital. My...rival...Might Guy even went on and on in a super big speech about how she was a delicate and youthful flower that must be cherished...he even proposed to her which, of course, was followed with downright rejection. Though, he made a promise to win her heart someday. (Though I doubt that will ever happen...)

Throughout the night I knew for a fact that each and every one of my friends took notice of Obito's goggles sitting atop her head, but they knew not to say anything and even complemented her appearance.


She turned to me after Kurenai gave her some free dango that she bought earlier.

"Yes," she asked while smiling.

"Are you feeling just a tiny bit better?"

"Yes. I feel a whole lot better. Thank you Kakashi. Maybe we should have get-togethers more often."

I smiled, "yeah, we should."





Kakashi, Kakashi, Kakashi. I said to give her the goggles. Not create a relationship with her. No worries though. It's obvious that she only sees you as a friend. Besides, she's still wearing my goggles.


Make no mistake.

I will teach you a lesson Kakashi. I'll teach you not to touch what is mine.

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