twenty ──── member

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And just like that, the new and improved Akatsuki were created. Though, that wasnt all that had happened...

There was the Uchiha Massacre for one thing, and Obito didn't exactly care for the clan. Though, he did manage to get Itachi to join the Akatsuki as well.

Next, he questions himself daily as to why he hasn't taken the Nine-Tails yet. Especially since that brat, Naruto, was just a little kid.

Then...there was y/n. Keeping her distance from the other Akatsuki members and staying inside of her room.

Nagato (a.k.a Pein) was sure to order everyone to never go into her room while also keeping what was inside her room a secret.

In other words, they dont even know that she exists.


Obito was fine with that. I mean, it would be shame if Obito had to kill one of new members...and it would be devastating to have to kill y/n.

Though, would it really be?

If he killed y/n, then he wouldn't have to worry anymore. He wouldn't have to worry...

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