seventeen ──── the akatsuki?

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Damn it. I failed. Stupid ass Minato. Always getting in my way. No matter, I can just take Naruto when he's a but older. I'll just go back for y/n now.


The moment I saw her lying on the cold ground, I quickly took notice of the thin layer of sweat on her face. Is she having a bad dream?

I frowned to myself as I immediately crouched down to her and gathered her up into my arms.

A bag was slung over my shoulder which contained her prescribed medicine. (I had gotten it before coming to get her.)

"I am already manipulating the newly formed Akatsuki, but I have to make sure to put you in a safe place...I guess I could keep you in our hideout, but I really would hate for someone to touch you."

I started to hum to myself as I made a quick decision. She was curled up tightly against me as I exited my different dimension.

I guess I'll keep her with the other Akatsuki members, and I'll be sure to keep them in their place.

Though I can already tell that one of the future members (*cough* Hidan *cough) is going to be a pain in the ass.

I ignored my thoughts as y/n finally started to stir awake.



"Am I a bad person?"

"No, you're a good little y/n. Always remember that, alright?"

She smiled as she cuddled back into my chest.

My little y/n.

Wait. I should start thinking of a different personality and a fake identity...nevermind, I'll ask y/n when she wakes up again.

She'll be happy to make me a fake persona.

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