Chapter two

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I needed to get out of bed if I was going to get anything done. I couldn't find my mate if I was sulking all day long in my room.

My wolf, Sonia, was itching to go for a run. It had been so long since I released her. Both of us needed that liberation at this time. I wanted to feel again, gain the connection with myself again. I wasn't going to lose it.

I climbed off the bed and went to the bathroom. My own reflection made me cringe. I looked like a crazy person, but even crazy people had a better appearance than me. My hair had tangles, uneven strands of hair sticking out on the sides. Those tangles were surely going to make me regret staying in bed for so long.

I also had dark circles under my eyes due to the lack of sleep. My eyes were bloodshot and a bit swollen from all the crying. I stayed in bed that long but sleep was far from my mind.

I lazily dragged myself to the shower and stood there for a while before washing my hair. I applied a considerable amount of conditioner that I thought would soften it. I was trying to minimise my misery when I decide to comb it.

"Zoey come help me do my hair it has so many tangles," I mind linked my younger sister.

Almost immediately as if she was waiting for my voice," oh shit! Stacey how are you? We have been worried about you. What style do you want? Should I also come with my make up kit? Oh wait, you said hair. Oh okay."

I just waited for her to finish her endless chatter but damn if I didn't miss my sister's voice.

"Sorry I'm just excited that you asked for me after this long," I could already imagine the smile on her face.

"No shit!"

"Your sarcasm always brightens my day sister," she retorted with an equally sarcastic tone.

Regardless she still did my hair and she did a good job. I swore never to keep my hair that long without tending to it.

I wore a white hoodie with a wolf head embroidered on the right side and black sweatpants. I was going to leave them in the forest after I shifted. I didn't want to head to the pack house naked in search of clothes.

How I did that in my past years, I don't know. I cringe remembering how I would walk naked in my teens because most wolves would see each other naked. How did that culture even evolve?

Sometimes the concept of been nude in front of the pack is weird but also allowed. Werewolves find no shame in showing their bodies. Actually some love it. This will help them find their mates faster, for those who look at physic.

I could already feel the stares as I left my room. All the wolves bowed as I walked past them. Some of them even mumbled greetings and asking if I was doing okay.

Of course I wasn't okay. Why would anyone ask me that? I look like shit and I lost my soul. Half of it. Didn't that person know that Xander was lost? I just continue walking without bothering about them before I said something that I would regret.

"Stacey,my dear," mom called me softly. I knew she was going to ask me to join them for breakfast. I also saw the transformation on myself for skipping meals. I wasn't that hungry at the moment.

"I'm just going for a run, then I'll have food later mom. I'm not really hungry now."

"Okay but immediately you come back, I'm the one feeding you."

I gave a her a small smile and left the pack house heading to the forest. I knew that if I tried to argue with her I would most definitely lose.


MY 18th BIRTHDAY (BOOK ONE) REWRITING Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora