Chapter six

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I've never laughed so hard in my life. I'm practically on the ground laughing.

Check out the video, its worth a good laugh.

My family thinks that I'm crazy :) silly me.

Have a nice laugh.


Never in my life have I ever stepped on the earth so hard. I was literally hurting the leaves and the soil. I'm even sure that moles and earthworms were wondering what was wrong. I could almost feel the pain only that this time I did not care.

I had to get a hold of him, but he was too fast. The moment I saw those eyes I didn't think twice to even finish the song. I got of the stage and began running. I think I scared Xander or the stranger that looked like him, because he also took off.

My whole pack was behind me, they were shocked too. Apparently I said his name through the mic so they also ran after I left. I could hear them calling my name but I wasn't paying attention.

My dress was slowing me down so I tore it at the side to make more space for me to run. I was sad that I ruined it, could be used at another event, but again I didn't care.

He was so far ahead but I could see him vaguely. He seemed shocked back there when I called out Xander's name then began chasing him. I bet he thinks that a psycho was after his life.

I had so many questions. Was that Xander? Was he a twin? Was he a clone? Did he even know Xander? Why I'm a even chasing my mate?

" Xander, stop please I just want to talk," I shouted still running, which is hard by the way. I was out of air but I still found that extra oxygen to shout like that.

We were heading close to Bloodshot pack territory and I could practically feel my heart beating very fast. I knew that at some point that the chase would be cut short on my part. I was not able to go through the barrier last time.

I had to act fast. So I climbed the nearest tree calculating the risk of getting a broken neck then jumped on the guy. He landed face first on the ground.

His handsome face.

Not the time wolf.

I tried to keep him down and then held both his hands. I don't know what I excepted, sparks, tingles, anything.


The only thing that I saw were the similar eyes.

"Let go," he said coldly.

"No, who are you?" I said equally with a cold tone. "Why do you look like him? Why are you here? Tell me!" I shouted.

"For a girl you are quite strong to hold me down, given what I am."

"What does that even mean, girls are also strong."

He was trying to get himself away from me but I was using all my strength to keep him there. He then turned and looked at me still down.

"Let go," he said again this time it sounded like a command.

I don't know what happened cause the moment I looked him in the eye, I stood up. My body was complying but my mind was screaming that I shouldn't have let go.

"What is this? Some mindless trick."

"Call it a 'gift' and if you will excuse me I have a place to be," he said turning to walk to the border.

I was now standing looking at him leave and couldn't do anything.

"Don't go not like this," I pleaded. I just wanted to know.

MY 18th BIRTHDAY (BOOK ONE) REWRITING Where stories live. Discover now