Servant 6: Secondary Summoning

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After the many battles are shown between mythology and Kamen Riders, Ritsuka earned many catalysts from solving multiple singularities...

Ritsuka decided to summon more servants...

Da Vinci: "I've re-calibrated FATE, so it should summon some normal servants..."

Dr. Roman: "Hopefully it wouldn't turn out like the last summoning with the Kamen Riders resulting in multiple people exploding FATE!"

Ritsuka begins the summoning process and as a result, a blue aura surrounds the facility as the Heisei Primary Riders see the summoning process!

The Blue aura dissipates and reveals 19 Armored people!

Ritsuka: "NOT AGAIN!"

Da Vinci: "We're my calibrations faulty?"

Sento: "I don't think that's the case..."

Then A Screen pops up and reveals everyone and their Noble Phantasm:

G3-X- Class: Archer

Noble Phantasm

-Technological Barrage:

G3-X will utilize his GX-05 Cerberus being able to unleash multitudes of bullets! A powerful Noble Phantasm that can turn anything to mist!

Knight- Class: Saber

Noble Phantasm

-The Bat's Unyielding Wind

When this Noble Phantasm is active, Knight's armor, strengths, and speed will be enhanced giving him a long temporary boost enhancing all of his attacks and actions! Through this Knight can conjure a giant Blue tornado that is on par with "Enuma Ellish"

Kaixa- Class: Avenger

Noble Phantasm

-Golden Vengeance

The Lingering hatred and emotions remained in his death cause all of his finishers to be enhanced making it exponentially more powerful that could easily be on par with any powerful Noble Phantasm!

Garren- Class: Archer

Noble Phantasm

-The Diamond's Flames

When Garren is in his Jack Form he will emit flames from his wings and bullets making him a very heated foe

Ibuki- Class: Archer

Noble Phantasm

-The Musical Breeze

Ibuki can utilize and command Oni wind that he conjures and is able to use them at any time enhancing his attacks

Gatack- Class: Saber

Noble Phantasm

-Stag's Brawl

Gatack using Hyper Form is capable to conjure clones of his past and future self for a temporary moment and is able to fight alongside them!

Zeronos- Class: Saber

Noble Phantasm

-The Emerald Bulls Prediction

Zeronos has recorded and spectated any and all events in time, because of that a vision of the future provided from his future selves can predict and show future actions

Ixa- Class: Saber

Noble Phantasm

-The White Solar Sun

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