Servant 30: Deal With The Devil...

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Everyone noticed how Evol overwhelmed Build, Cross-Z, Grease, and Rogue...

Build tried to kick him, but Evol merely dodged it and let Cross-Z who was trying to punch him accidentally punch Build...

Evol: "Oh come on...we've been through this before..."

Evol: "You all know that the reason I'm not instantly killing you all because I want to talk..."

Build: "Yeah, right!"

The four Riders then surround and gang up on Evol!

But Evol merely used simple punches and kicks to fend them off...

Evol then kicked all of their butts as he drags them towards Ritsuka...

Evol puts them down on the ground...

Evol: "You must be the master of this menagerie, right?"

Ritsuka: "Y-y-eah...."

Ritsuka just witnessed Build, Cross-Z, Grease, and Rogue get their ass handed to them on a silver platter, it was obvious that he was scared...

Evol: "I didn't expect it to be a kid..."

Suddenly a blade was swung!

Evol: "You know it's not polite to interrupt a conversation..."

Everyone's eyes go wide as they saw Evol caught both Kanshou and Bakuya with his hands as the two married blades were stuck in between his fingers...

Evol: "Besides, I only want to talk..."

Artoria: "I'm not letting you hurt anybody here!"

Evol: "Oh puh-lease...."

Evol: "If I wanted to hurt anybody, I would have ..d..o..n.e.....s..o.......already......"

Evol said as he stared into Artoria's eyes...

Artoria was shaking as she never met a foe like Evol, but her bravery and confidence never faltered during this...

Evol: "But I merely want to talk to your master..."

Ritsuka: "What is it that you want to talk about..."

Evol: "I want to join you guys..."

Build: "Don't believe him! He's lying!"

Evol: "How mean... I'm the one who raised you, you know..."

Build: "You didn't raise me, you manipulated me along with the others..."

Grease: "You tried to destroy the Earth!"

Evol: "Let bygones be bygones you two! Besides Killbas will be a greater threat if we don't act now!"

Evol: "That gloating traffic cone is going to summon my brother and he will betray him and destroy the planet..."

Evol: "I may be a snake but we need to stop Core before he summons my brother!"

Evol: "I'm not even seeing if our combined might could take him on...!"

Evol: "So what do you say, kid...?"

Evol: "Temporary Truce...?"

Evol evilly grinned behind his helmet...

Ritsuka: "Truce..."

Evol: "Good..."

Evol: "I noticed that you're the weakest of the bunch, so I shall lend you my power..."

Evol: "Let's shake on it..."

The two shake hands as Evol begins to dissolve into Red Particles as Ritsuka's hair began turning white!

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