Servant 18: The Darkness Within Everyone...

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Team 3 that consists of Ryuki, Knight, Double, Kaixa, Cross-Z, Agito, Kuuga traveled from the forest to find the Mirror World...

But the gang so far only saw trees and trees galore, until they all heard a sound...

Ryuki: "Ren, Did you hear that!?"

Knight: "I heard it! I think we already made it..."

Kaixa: "What do you mean, there's nothing here...?"

Cross-Z: "Is it just me? Because I'm hearing a painful Mirror Noise..."

Kuuga: "I think we all heard it by this point..."

Agito: "I sense a lot of darkness there..."

A/N: S is for Shotarou and P is for Phillip when they're in civilian form, but it will change to J for JOKER and C for CYCLONE in Rider Form...

S-Double: "Phillip, what do you know of the Mirror World?"

P-Double: "It is another Artificial Realm that held the Rider War that both Shinji and Ren were fighting in..."

S-Double: "If I remember correctly wasn't the purpose of the war was to revive the sister of the person who started it?"

The entire group then finds an entire area filled with mirrors...

With a giant mirror reflecting the whole group!

Ryuki: "We need to use our armors, now..."

Everyone: "Alright!"

SB-913P Kaixa Phone: STANDING BY!

Cross-Z Dragon: WAKE UP!

Build Driver: CROSS-Z DRAGON!

Build Driver: ARE YOU READY!?

GaiaMemory: CYCLONE!

GaiaMemory: JOKER!

Everyone: "Henshin!"

Everyone: "Henshin!"

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