Servant 12: The New Additions

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Everyone was extremely shocked by the summoning as they all have introduced themselves to the newly added Reiwa Riders...

Vulcan gets angered easily and his determination to crush his enemies scares most Servants except War Heroes...

Valkyrie was asked if there were any other Female Kamen Riders, but she said that she doesn't know any of them as the Heisei Kamen Riders said that there are but only on special occasions and through Special Circumstances...

Thouser was mostly despised due to his behavior reminding people of a certain Golden Archer Class Servant, whose arrogance surpasses everyone else's...

While Zero One just tried to liven up the mood...

Zero One: "Wow, You guys should have Calldea, so we could come prepared..."

Many stared at him with a deadpanned expression, while some tried to hold their laughter...

Zero One: "HAI! ARU-TO...."

Then a person pops up and joins Zero One's gag!

Zero One and Mysterious Person: "JA-NAI-TO!"

Zero One: "Wait, that sounded familiar..."

Then the person pops up behind Aruto!

Then the person pops up behind Aruto!

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Zero One: "IZU!?"

Izu: "Yes, Aruto-Sachou?"

Zero One: "When did you get here?!"

Izu: "I arrived the same day you arrived at Chaldea..."

Zero One: "Then why didn't you show yourself, earlier?"

Izu: "Because nobody asked..."

Zero One sweatdrops and hugs her...

Zero One: "Good to know that you're here with me..."

Izu: "Of course, I am your Secretary after all...'

Zero One: "Were you summoned to be a Servant as well..."

Izu: "Yes, I have been summoned to be a Caster Class Servant..."

Izu: "I have explained to Master Ritsuka about our circumstances and I have wanted to surprise you with my arrival..."

Zero One: "If you're a Servant, what's your Noble Phantasm?"

Izu: "My Noble Phantasm is: Secretary's Service"

Zero One: "What does that do?"

Izu: "I can scan and conclude the weakness of our enemies, along with projecting the right Progrise Keys to counter them, it is very similar to Kamen Rider Thouser's to an extent...But mine is more sufficient and effective due to me being connected to Satellite ZEA..."

Zero One: "I see..."

Izu: "I've brought all of the available Progrise Keys..."

Zero One: "Thanks, Izu!"

After that many enjoyed each other's company and relaxed and train...

A pleasure they didn't have in their lives before becoming Heroic Spirits...

Kuuga: "Nice to meet you, Hiden Aruto!"

Zero One: "Same here, Yuusuke Godai!"

Kuuga: "Nice to meet a fellow, Generation Starter!"

Zero One: "Nice to meet my predecessors so I can learn from their struggles to become a better Kamen Rider!"

Kuuga: "What are you fighting for...?"

Zero One: "For a world where HumaGears and Humans so they can smile together!"

Kuuga: "Kind of similar to mine, actually..."

Zero One: "Really!?"

Kuuga: "I want to protect other people's smiles, that's why I fought against the Gronggi!"

Zero One: "That's very admirable, maybe Mighty of you...?"

Izu: "Very Clever, Aruto-Sachou..."

Kuuga: "Huh?"

Izu: "He used your main form which is Mighty Form to compliment you..."

Aruto then interrupts her!

Aruto: "Don't explain the joke, Izu!"

Aruto sighs at it is not possible to stop her explanation and he just resorts using his odd ending phrase whenever he delivers a joke...

Aruto and Izu: "ARU-TO! JA-NAI-TO!"

Kuuga watches the close relationship between the two and the joke that Izu explained...

The Heisei Rider chuckled and that chuckle escalated to laughter!

Zero One: "My joke finally worked!"

Izu: "It seems that he laughed due to him realizing that Aruto-Sachou is closer to achieving your dream after considering the dynamic between us..."

Kuuga: "She's right..."

Everyone relaxed but tensed up when they heard siren's blaring and loud noises ringing throughout the facility!

Dr. Roman went to the PA System and made an urgent announcement!


Ritsuka: "That's impossible! Didn't we fixed the last singularity!?"

Mash: "I'm not sure, but we should check it out!"

Everyone came and saw that screen and what seems to be a new large dot in the digital map on the screen...

Dr. Roman: "We've detected a strange anomaly that has no time..."

Dr. Roman: "It keeps varying from the year 2000 to 2020!"

The Doctor said as the screen's designated year kept shifting!

That was until everyone saw it to be occurring in 2020!

Zero One: "Hey that's my time!"

Dr. Roman: "Everyone, Prepare to Rayshift! This will probably be the last singularity so we will need all the help we can get in this!"

Everyone: "Right!"

Then everyone prepared themselves to be Rayshifted to a place that could be called:


Chapter Ends...

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