Servant 27: Comrades...

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Every team returned from their separate missions, but they encounter some comrades of theirs which were questioned by Ritsuka and the other Servants whether they were trustworthy or not, to clear the suspicion all the rogue Kamen Rider Servants had to reveal their Noble Phantasms and Origins...

When Decade's group was returning they met Kamen Rider Kivala A.K.A Natsumi Hikari, so they brought her to the camp where the Humans were stationed as they were driven to extinction by the Monstrous Kingdoms...

All of the Rogue Servants would Introduce themselves...

Team 1 had Grease, Rogue, Ichi-Gata, and Chaser

Team 2 encountered Necrom, Nishiki, Zanki, Todoroki, Touki, Habataki, and Kirameki

Team 3 met Zolda, as they would return they encountered Delta and also brought him to the camp...

Team 4 returned with Zangetsu, Chalice, and Leangle

Team 5 brought Snipe, Lazer, and KickHopper with them

Team 6 returned alongside Kivala and Tsukuyomi


Team 1 Rogue Kamen Riders: 

-Kamen Rider Grease-

Class: Berserker

Hokuto's Golden Rider, he is a ferocious Fighter who fought alongside his friends "The Hokuto Trio" but by the ending, he returned to his normal only to recover his old memories obtaining a more powerful form as he fought for his current Girlfriend "Mii-Tan"

Noble Phantasms 2:

-Mechanical Tundra-

Grease's temperature drops drastically as he is given the ability to freeze everything and anything around him as he transforms into Grease Blizzard...

-The Golden Mechanical Kingdom-

Grease combines the powers he obtained from "The Hokuto Trio" being able to use their powers and abilities as he can use all of their powers simultaneously in his Perfect Kingdom Form!

-Kamen Rider Rogue-

Class: Avenger

Seito's Kamen Rider after his exile from Touto, he was a peaceful diplomat until he was exposed to the Pandora Box's light resulting to become more power-hungry and formed an organization named FAUST, later he would realize the error of his ways and join Build and the others against their battle against Evol...

Noble Phantasm:

-The Crocodile's Retribution-

Rogue uses this ability to reverse a Fatal Situation as he can turn any Fatal Blow into a power-up, this comes more into play when he transforms into his Prime Rogue Form...

-Kamen Rider Ichi-Gata-

Class: Berserker

The adopted father of Aruto Hiden following the child's real Parent's death from an accident he was adopted into the Hiden family name to raise Aruto as Hiden Korenosuke was busy handling Hiden Intelligence the factory that made the Father-Type HumaGear, Aruto would treat him as his real father not knowing that his real Parent's death, he became a Kamen Rider to restore the corrupted HumaGears until Daybreak in which an explosion happened and he sacrificed his life to protect his Human Son from the explosion...

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