Servant 15: Meeting Fallen Friends And Family

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Team 1 which consists: Drive, Mach, Build, Faiz, Fourze, Zero One, Vulcan, and Valkyrie traveled to the Cyber-Kingdom which was inhabited by Corrupted HumaGears and Roidmudes that drove the Human Race to the brink of Extinction!

Ritsuka and the other mythical Servants joined them and met with the resistance, which they chose to stay and protect them...

The group traveled and in which Mach who held Chase's Signal Bike saw that the Signal Bike was shaking vividly towards a direction...

Mach: "Shin Nii-San, look at Chase's Signal Bike..."

Drive: "Do you think that Chase was summoned here...?"

Zero One: "Who is this Chase that you're talking about?"

Mach: "A good friend of mine who was a Roidmude..."

Drive: "He sacrificed himself to destroy Banno and protect Gou..."

Mach: "His core was damaged and he self-destructed to take My Dad's, Roidmude Host"

Mach: "He gave me his Signal Bike and Driver's License before he died, with that I realized that he was my best friend and I didn't appreciate what he did for me and sis!"

Mach said while gripping his hands and tear flowing down his cheek.

Drive: "That aside, we hoped that he could be summoned but we thought it would be too selfish..."

Mach: "Since his Signal Bike is glowing maybe he is here..!"

As the group approaches a certain direction, the Signal Bike glowed brighter and shook harder, as it suddenly flew!

Mach: "We have to chase it!"

The group followed the Signal Bike and caught the small Bike when it fell, indicating that it has reached whatever it was trying to find...

???: "Humans detected, must exterminate!"

???: "What the hell are you!?"

???: "Where is this place...?"

???: "Calm down, All of you!"

Build: "Could that be!?"

Then the group saw the interaction of strangers in front of them...

Mach, Zero One, and Build went in front of them and intervened!

Build: "Gentoku, Kazumin!"

Kazumin and Gentoku: "Sento!?/Katsuragi!?"

Zero One: "Dad!"

Everyone: "Dad!?"

Mach: "Chase! Stop!"

Mach and Zero One then noticed that there are HumaGear EarPhones...

Chase: "Humanity, must be Exterminated!"

Hiden Soreo: "Humanity can be good! Chase, stop this!"

Chase then takes out his Break Gunner!

Chase then takes out his Break Gunner!

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