Chapter 1. Finding a Way to Win

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The day was bright and warm, the sky a beautiful blue. I leaned back onto my elbows with a contented sigh. Today was perfect. The sounds of humans relaxing were all around me, children were running and screaming, some boys were throwing around a football to my right, I even saw some brave souls attempting to surf.

I was so caught up in how good this moment felt I almost didn't hear the footfalls in the hot sand approach me.

"Hey there beautiful. I'm Dylan." I cast my eyes up to the sky in a dramatic roll before shaking white strands out of my face and looking up at the boy blocking my sun.

He was cute, in a cocky "I know I'm hot" sort of way and I suppose had a decent enough body. I didn't like the look in his eyes though. You could tell he considered himself one of The Hand's gifts to women. Blonde hair, tan, blue eyes, strong jaw line, a Grade A Douche-bag if you ask me.

"Me and my boys are playing some touch football, and we have odd numbers. I was wondering if you would join us, just so the teams could be even." The smirk on his face and the way his eyes roamed down my body told me he wanted more than just a touch.

I grinned back up at him, glancing at him over the rim of my glasses and biting my lip just a bit.

"Oh sure, I'd love to play!" I intoned, putting some fake excitement in my voice. "I can't promise I'll be any good though." A glance down to my left, a little wobble of my lip and I had him hooked.

The false modesty did its job, and his eyes light up.

"That's okay," he rushed to assure me, taking a step closer to me as I stood, "I can teach you."

How ignorant horny teenagers could be.

I played with them for a few hours, actually growing to like a few of 'his boys'. Dylan, on the other hand, I couldn't stand. He took every opportunity to try to place his hands on me. A brush against my waist here, an accidental bump into my backside there. I swear I almost slapped a bitch.

I kept my impulses in, however. I needed to take my meals in private, after all.

After sundown it was almost too easy to lure him into a dark corner and sink my teeth into his delicious neck.

He had tried to scream when I dropped my glamour and let him see the ruby red eyes, the paler than normal skin, left him feel my natural ice cold skin against his fragile warmth.

I burned his body and clothes, as to keep the low profile, and changed into a new set of clothes: shorts and a cute tank that read "Yur a Lizard Harry" with a lizard in a wizards hat. It was close to 5 in the morning when the phone with a number that only 12 people knew began to vibrate. I furrowed my eyebrows before pulling it out and checking the caller I.D.

Alice Cullen

That was odd, she never called me. I answered it with a shrug.


"Anna, someone is playing with the blind spots in my vision."

"Oh I'm doing great, thanks for asking. Its been what, 50 years since we last saw each other? I've missed you too."

"Annie," she said, a slight whine in her voice, "you know I wouldn't call if it wasn't important."

I let out a small huff but didn't chide her any further. "What's going on?"

I listened to her explain how Edward had found his mate, who was still human, and was now being hunted by a vampire who wanted revenge because her mate was killed by Edward and the other Cullen's when he tried to kill the human, Bella. It was all very complicated and dramatic, but pretty on brand for that crazy family.

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