Chapter 5. Show-Off

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If I lost this fight, I was done for. My pride, my reputation, my whole life was on the line. I was out of options, I was out of time. Literally stuck between a rock and a hard place, there was only one thing I could do to save myself. It was reckless, it was crazy, and it might just work.

I waited for the firing to stop, for the tell tale sound of a gun beginning to reload before I dove out from behind my cover, rolled up onto my feet and unloaded my clip in the direction of my enemy.

Paul cursed and threw down his controller as his character took the damage and died, my half of the screen lighting up with the words WINNER - SEALS as I successfully won the Call of Duty tournament that had been going on for the past 3 hours. The rest of the pack howled out, some with laughter, others in defeat as money changed hands.

I was up on my feet cheering, doing a silly victory dance as Paul scowled at me.

I smiled hugely at him, showing all my teeth, then turned to the shirtless boys around us. "Alright you bitches I made 8 bets today and I don't see a penny in front of me. Cough it up!"

Grumbled echoed in the house as the cash appeared in front of me. I had raked in about 200 bucks today. Best way to get quick cash? Get really good at a first person shooter game then go challenge a bunch of guy's masculinity and watch them pay up. Leah, grinning next to me, also had a stack of cash in front of her, though less than mine. I was in the process of wondering how much it was when she swiped it off the table and fanned it on her face.

"Hey leech, guess how much this is," she said, then slapped me in the face with the bills.

The room went dead still as I stared at her for a moment.


She smirked victoriously "$167."

I groaned in mock anger and cast myself dramatically backwards, which just so happened to be onto the lap of a rather hot wolf.

Paul rolled his eyes then pushed me off his lap, still angry at losing. As I hit the floor I let loose a small growl at him. "Hey now, don't be a sore loser just because I handed you your ass. Emmett and Jasper can't beat me either." If anything he scowled harder, which made me let out a snort through my nose before laying back onto the thick carpet of Emily's living room.

I was called from my relaxed position as the alarm on my watch beeped at me and I realized the time.

I shot to my feet instantly. "Shit!" I hastily gathered up my stuff and pulled on my shoes while looking for my jacket.

"It's already 3:10 and I'm supposed to meet Rosalie and Alice at 3:15 for shopping!"

"Who knew vampire girls were just as obsessed with shopping as human girls?"

Without looking at the speaker I threw a jet of black sparks at them. Embry yelped and fell backwards off the couch as my magic blew up in his face.

"That's what you get, Call. Now can someone please help me find my jacket?"

Instantly Seth was on his feet, pushing people up to check under butts and feet. I grinned at the cute teen. "See this is why Seth is my favorite."

Leah scoffed and held up the piece of clothing in question. "Your jacket is right here dumb-ass. You were sitting on it during the tournament."

Feeling slightly embarrassed I skipped over to her and grabbed the leather item from her hands, some of the guys snickering as I went. I wasn't one to be phased by judgment however, and as I turned to leave I felt and devilish smirk make its way onto my face. Quick as a flash, I planted a sloppy wet kiss on Leah's cheek then sprinted out the door with a "Thanks Babe!" The screech of rage followed me, immediately seconded by howls of laughter, whistles and hoots from the boys. I chuckled quietly to myself as I ran in the direction of Forks.

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