Chapter 7. Out of the Blue

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"Blue let me in!" I called through the cave, currently stuck on the shimmering iridescent wall of magic that Blue used as an anti-intruder system.

"No I am naked right now," the siren's voice echoed towards me.

"Like that has ever stopped you before. Come on, I just want to hang out for a little while." I pleaded. Once I had left the bonfire I felt lonely and needed a familiar face. Instead of heading to the Cullens, where feelings against the shapshifters ran strong, I decided to come here. I was tired of prejudice, no matter from what side.

I heard footsteps above me and glanced up towards the ceiling, where Blue stood, indeed entirely naked. "Are you going to come in or not?"

I rolled my eyes, crouched down and flipped into the air, my feet touching the roof of the cave and sticking. Gravity shifted and balanced as I righted myself, now hanging from the ceiling like a bat but feeling like I was standing on solid ground.

I walked past the barrier and through a narrow entrance which opened up into a massive cave. Blue's cave was eccentric to say the least; they were definitely a hoarder and probably a kleptomaniac too. Nevertheless, the living area was rather comfy. I plopped down on a beanbag next to a naked marble statue that looked suspiciously like Leonardo DiCaprio and stared for a minute at the mural that covered the wall next to the entrance. It was painted to show a beautiful woman on a rock, calling a wave forward around her. The plaque underneath it read "for my Siren Lover - T"

Blue noticed my stares and went to stand next to the painting and mimicked the pose. "You like it? A very sexy Nymph named Tyra painted it for me. It actually depicts how I looked when I temped Odysseus and his crew back in 1200 BC."

I lifted my brows, impressed, then glanced over Blue, "so feeling like a woman lately, huh?"

Blue glanced down at their body, now sporting a pair of boobs and a vagina. "Oh my I forgot about those. And before you get judgy keep in mind it changes all the time. Sometimes I just forget!"

I let out a laugh at Blue's antics. They were gender fluid and could magically grow whatever parts they wished at a thought. Blue had tried everything, from male and female to more unconventional things, like agender, hermaphroditic, and even identified as a floor mat once. I really couldn't tell if they had been joking.

"So what pronouns would you like today?" I asked them, reclining in the bean bag. Blue usually had a set they really preferred and if you assumed their gender they made sure to point it out to you and give you a lecture on the importance of being open minded.

I had personally not slipped up since the first day I met Blue and called them ma'am. In my defense they had an impressive set of breasts then too, paired with a stylish up-do, a lack of facial hair, and a huge french dress that would have put Marie Antoinette's entire wardrobe to shame. No, the lectures were usually directed towards my arch-nemesis Philipa, who tried her best but was often too preoccupied with other things to remember.

"I am not sure. I was really feeling feminine yesterday, and I grew my hair and breasts to match, but right now I do not feel so much like a she," they frowned moving to stand in front of a huge mirror. They pivoted from side to side, analyzing every inch of their body. "I think I might keep this for a few more days, just in case I change my mind, but I am not feeling the hair right now. What do you think?"

I scanned Blue over. Sirens are born with skin the color of their birthplace, and since Blue's full name was Blue of the Caspian Sea, her skin was a beautiful deep green/blue color. Nothing like Dria of the Carribean, who's skin was light almost turquoise, or Roche and Maren of the Pacific, who's skin was a muddy blue-brown color.

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