Chapter 21. Here Comes the Bride

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"You look absolutely beautiful, Bella." I told the bride as Alice and I put the final touches on her makeup. Rosalie had just finished pinning up Bella's hair into the veil, much to Bella's surprise, and she did indeed look stunning. She blushed deeply at the compliment and I gave her a smile and a kiss on the cheek, like I often did with Rosalie. A male's voice sounded from the stairwell, one I recognized as Bella's father.

I gave Bella and her parents a moment of privacy, pulling Rosalie and Alice off to the side to smooth their dresses and fix their hair so not a strand was out of place. I knew I was fussing, but it was a habit I had picked up a long time ago.

The girls looked absolutely stunning in their dresses, their makeup and hair done up beautifully. A quick glance in the mirror told me I was looking pretty damn good too. Rosie had curled my hair for me and braided back the front pieces. For the occasion I had glamoured my eyes into a light blue, the usual color, but added a touch of grey to it so they would be offset by the purple of the dress.

Rosalie exited the room to take her seat at the piano and I went with her, joining Emmett and Jasper at the top of the stairs where they waited for the ceremony to start. We snickered to ourselves about the Bachelor party they had last night, which surprisingly Alec, Fred, and Diego had been invited to participate in. I had ended up gossiping with Bree all night and painting her nails for today. She had tried to do mine but was ridiculously bad at it so I ended up doing my own while we watched movies and giggled to ourselves about the boys and about this wedding today.

My newborns were progressing very well through their self control training, but I still wanted to be cautious about today, so I ended up using a scent dampening charm on the trio as well as making sure they fed that morning. Finally, for good measure, I worked out a new spell that could temporarily make one forget about their thirst, which would come in handy. I cast it on them- and Jasper- right before we left for the Cullen household.

None of them had decided to follow the Cullen diet so I ended up having to place glamors on all their eyes as well as my own and Alec's so we wouldn't cause a commotion. I matched their original eye colors upon their requests, a deep brown for Diego, dark blue for Fred, and a familiar green-blue for Bree. Alec informed me that his eye color had been grey when he was human, which fit him well.

Suddenly the piano thrilled to life, which was our cue to get going. Alice danced down the steps and hooked her arm into Emmett's yanking him along, as he was the best man. Together the pixie and the bear began their walk down the aisle. I gave Jasper a brilliant smile and linked my arm with his, whispering, "If Bella trips in those monstrous heels your wife made her wear you owe me 100 bucks."

He choked back a laugh as we started walking, the smile never leaving his face even when we turned came into view of the party of humans. I was glad he wasn't fighting off his thirst at the moment,and felt a rush of pride in myself for being able to offer him that moment of relief so he could enjoy his brother's happiness.

The ceremony went beautifully without a flaw, Bella making it down the aisle with barely a wobble, much to my surprise. As they pronounced their vows Alec laced his fingers through my own, sending me a look. I could read in his eyes what he was saying  smiled back at him, eyes full of affection. We erupted into cheers and hoots and hollers when they kissed, starting the celebration off with a bang.

The reception was one hell of a dance. Jane, Felix and Demetri all made an appearance, the first feminine and lovely in a light gray dress that fell to the floor in gentle layers and the later two dashing in dark tuxes. Alec went to greet them and catch up while I went and found the wolves. Seth, Leah, Sue, and Billy were the only ones from the Tribe to attended, but I knew that Jacob would be showing up later too.

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