Chapter 14. That Escalated Quickly

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I am an excellent multitasker, but channeling the black magic of the world into a complex spell and feeling the pain of another person whose body is literally broken while ALSO trying to focus on the Volturi heading across the clearing towards us? Oh I almost forgot about the protective boundary I had surrounding La Push that repelled all Supernatural and Magic Users just in case one of the vampires deviated and tried to grab a snack. Yeah that required a bit more than I could offer.

I kept my eyes on the ground as the Volturi entered the clearing, barely acknowledging their presence. Bree next to me stiffened in fear, and although I was internally screaming in pain, I reached out a hand and grasped hers tightly in mine, giving it a gentle squeeze before dropping it. She seemed to relax a bit at the contact, though I'm sure this wasn't missed by the calculating eyes of the figures in front of us.

"It appears you've done our work for us," a light, feminine voice pierced the silence.

They came to a stop, and though I didn't take my eyes from the ground I knew they were scanning the Cullens, collecting details and gathering evidence even as they exchanged easy words.

"Impressive," her voice was flat, "I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact."

"We were lucky." Carlisle responded. My heart swelled a bit as I realized he was covering the existence of the Quileutes, protecting them from the Volturi's gaze.

There was a slight edge to the words now, "I doubt that."

There was a rustle of fabric and a small movement before the next person spoke.

"It appears we missed an entertaining fight." I took stock of the voice dimly, my mind on the boy fighting for his life and the pain in my body. Faintly I noted its softness, the depth and the smoothness that marked it as male. I kept my eyes trained on the ground, willing myself to remain composed.

"If you'd arrived an half hour ago, you would have fulfilled your purpose." Edward interjected sourly, a hint of sass detectable in his voice.

"Pity." the girl remarked, clearly not caring. Silence filled the clearing again then her voice cut through the air, "You missed some."

They were probing. I didn't even look up as I responded, willing a bored look to firmly fix itself on my face. "I am not a newborn." I spoke, my voice low and dark.

Bree shifted just slightly closer to me. I cursed in my mind at this: they would notice. She was too wild, too fearful to be anything but a newborn.

There was a false sweetness to the girls voice now, "Just one then." Jasper moved to stand nearer to us offering Bree a measure of protection and sending waves of soothing energy over me as the pain in my system stoked an ember of anger beneath it.

Carlisle came to her defense, "We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender."

"That wasn't yours to offer," she dismissed. If I hadn't been in so much pain I would have been seething with rage at the superiority in her tone.

"Why did you come?" she spoke a bit louder, as if the young girl next to me were dumb or hard of hearing.

Before Bree even had a chance to respond she was on her knees screaming like she was being burned. Pain Illusion. So the girl speaking was Jane, one of the infamous Witch Twins.

The screams pierced my long dead heart surprisingly deep. I didn't even realize what I was doing until I was standing in front of Bree, locking eyes with the Volturi female as she tortured MY newborn.

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