Chapter 18. The Tuesdays

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Quick note; I heard a song called Tuesdays by Jake Scott and I couldn't help but listen to it while writing this portion! I highly recommend the song, it's so sweet!


I was absolutely swamped with paperwork. Since I had come to Washington I had given myself a mini vacation, but it had been almost two month and my assistant was getting irritated and antsy. She had been calling me nonstop the past few days. To appease her I had finally given her my new address and scryed her in the massive mirror I had bought for my study. Helena lived in Sigtuna, Sweden which was 9 hours ahead of us here in Washington. When she and I got to work it was nine in the morning her time and midnight here.

I was in the middle of reading over some reports about some recent Black Magic usage spikes when Helena spoke up, "Enchantress, have you decided yet about what estate you want me to ready for you and your Coven?"

My Coven. I had never thought that I would have my own Coven, but here I was, three children and a mate. I was practically an adult. 

Bree, Diego, and Fred where all so drastically different from one another yet I couldn't help but love them all. I had a special connection with Bree. The young girl, once not having her life threatened, was extremely sweet and innocent. She loved reading with a passion and was quite content to spend her days cuddled up next to Diego with a book. She also had a love for languages that she shared with Alec and you could often find them conversing in random dialects. I think since she had moved in she had already learned 7 languages well enough to be fluent.

Diego was a bright, exuberant character to be around. It was near impossible to find him without a smile on his face, and he almost never stopped laughing, teasing, bantering, or joking around. He and I shared several occasions where we would go back and forth with puns until the other couldn't think of any, or try out ridiculous accents until we had to hold our sides from laughter. Despite his love of humor, however, he was one of the most in-control newborns I have ever met, extremely mature and logical. He also had an intense love for music and, with my permission, he had converted one of the spare bedrooms into a private music room for himself- soundproofed and everything. He had several instruments hoarded in there and was actually quite talented.

My relationship with Fred had started out rocky, since he was most definitely not a people person. It took a solid week for him to even come out of his room. The next week after that I would take the time to be present in any room that he was in besides his own. I never spoke, just put myself in his area. Finally one day he turned to me and said "If you are always going to be around me could you at least make some interesting conversation?" We got along just fine after that. I didn't share the love of science he seemed to have, but I did share a love of video games. He and Diego would team up on me all the time to try and win and as of now they had yet to succeed. 

I spent the days in my home with my new little family or with the Cullens, and the nights I spent with the wolves, patrolling or hanging around. Every now and then I would switch it up, but a nice, steady routine eventually took hold.

"Enchantress?" Helena asked again, annoyance coloring her tone. I realized I had zoned out for a moment without answering her. 

"My apologies, Lena. The children have decided they want to go to Spain first, so that is where we will be headed after the wedding next month." I responded, flicking through the reports again. 

Helena Fredrikson was my Mother sent savior, always on top of everything. Every High Enchanter(ess) has a personal team set up to aid them through their duties. In addition to the 7 Enchanters and Enchantresses of our Magical Field, each equipped with their own assistant, there was one person that ran the whole show, besides the HE themselves of course.

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