Chapter 17. An Eternity Sounds Nice

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"Demetri are you sure you know what you're doing?" I asked the vampire as we stood on the outskirts of Seattle.

"Yes Anna now shut up," he snapped, annoyed at my interruption, "The bracelet Bree provided is drenched in the other newborn's scent. If he is alive, I will find him."

A deep chuckle met my ears as the burly Felix rubbed the top of my head, "It's best to let the experts do their jobs, squirt."

It was my mate that batted his hand away and came to my defense, "She will murder you if you call her that again Felix." I couldn't help but laugh, it was like the words came from my own mouth.

Lacing my fingers through his I leaned into my mates embrace, savoring the feeling of his arms around me as we observed Demetri. Jane beside us huffed in annoyance, "Why must we be doing this again? I told the masters a very specific time frame we would arrive home in and I do not want to be late."

"My newborn says she had a mate before the fight and just incase he is alive I wanted to try and fetch him for her. Besides, I needed to put these lazy asses to work before I let them go." I winked at Jane as I spoke, causing her to smile a bit. The female and I got along remarkably well, considering our first meeting. In fact, she had complimented me on bearing her gift for so long after I informed her it was the worst thing I had ever endured.

"Got it!" Demetri suddenly spoke, taking off in an easy run towards the northern edge of the city.

The rest of us followed behind, Alec and I keeping our hands linked. It had only been a few days since we met and we had spent every moment we could by each others sides. It seemed waiting for a thousand years had made us all the more eager to be with the other.

Demetri led us to an abandoned warehouse where the scent of two vampires saturated the area. I whistled, impressed. I hadn't caught the scent until about half a mile out; the tracker had been able to located it from the other end of the city in the midst of thousands of humans.

We stopped outside, listening for any indication of life inside. After a moment I detached myself from my mate and started towards the door. "I'm going in. You should stay out here because dressed like that you look like a threatening goth squad. They won't trust you." The dark cloaks Jane and Alec wore draped around their forms and practically exuded power and danger. Demetri and Felix, though in lighter colors, were just as intimidating with their rippling muscles and fierce scowls.

On my way past Demetri I snagged the bracelet from his hands and before any of the Volturi could object I was slipping through the doors and found myself in a spacious, run down storage area.

There were a few bodies of dead humans stacked in the corner, but I could tell they were fresh. The vampires were close. At least they weren't being sloppy and leaving their prey out in the open. My voice echoed through the rafters and bounced off the concrete floors."Hello newborns, my name is Anna. I am here looking for the one they call Diego."


I rolled my eyes. "I can smell you, I know you are here. You don't trust me, which is fine, but I didn't come here to hurt you."

I held the bracelet up as I walked further into the building, "I have this bracelet from a newborn named Bree who says Diego is her mate. She is currently alive and under my protection, and provided the newborns in this room don't attack me, they will be as well."

There was a rustle of movement from above me, and a blur dropped down a few feet from where I stood. The male that stood before me looked to be about 16 or 17 and was tall and lean, dark hair curling over his ears- long enough to fall into his bright red eyes. His wide, full lips stretched into a snarl as he crouched, the olive tones of his skin indicated his hispanic heritage and I knew I had found my target. This matched the description of Diego that Bree had given me.

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