Chapter 20. Council of the Seven

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Today was an all black kind of day. I knew that if I didn't dress conservatively Philipa would have a heart attack, so naturally I found the tightest long sleeve gown I could with several panels cut out to wear. I had squeezed into the material, adjusting the slit to rest at mid thigh and styled my hair into large curls. To make my bright red eyes stand out I applied some dark mascara and eyeliner and a deep red lipstick.

I had Alec fetch me my sexiest strappy pair of heels. He put them on my feet for me and when I stood and gave him a showy spin his eyes grew wide as saucers. 

"You're going to a Council Meeting like that?" he asked, his voice tight and his eyes never leaving my form.

I nodded and summoned my black staff, adjusting the height and thickness so it looked as elegant and sleek as the dress. "I'm trying to piss off one of the older, more stuck up enchantresses," I replied, bending down to grab my black bag off the floor and shrinking it to a tiny pouch that I tied around my left wrist. I made sure to wiggle my hips a little bit, causing him to let loose a low snarl. I righted myself innocently smiling at over my shoulder. 

On my right wrist sat the bracelet Alec had given me for my birthday. I also wore my ring and coven crest, proudly displaying my allegiance. In a final touch I summoned a thin veil of shimmering black magic to rest upon my shoulders and fall down my back into a train. 

"So what do you think? Do I look like a High Enchantress of Black Magic to you?" I asked him sweetly, glancing up through my eyelashing and biting my lip.

"If you keep looking at me like that you will be late for your meeting," he told me seriously, his eyes darkening as he glanced over my form again. I laughed and winked at him, blowing him a kiss as I called the darkness to me. I traveled to the sacred meeting place and appeared before the door, waving my staff over the ruins engraved on the stone so I could enter.

My heels clicked against the dark marble floor as I walked down the corridor lit by whips of magical light, turned the corner and entered a large circular room. I was the last to arrive, per usual. The look on Philipa's face when she saw my dress was priceless, though she should expect this by now; I did it every time. 

They stood when I arrived, each bowing their heads in greeting. I returned the gesture and spoke the usual greeting, "Well met, brethren." They echoed my words back to me as I took my seat between Philipa and Reggie. The order of magics always stayed the same: Black, White, Elemental, Spirit, Prophecy, Inquisitorial, and Corporeal.

Philipa's floor length white gown was matronly and covered every inch of her body, all the way up to her neck and down to her middle finger where the sleeves tapered to a point. Her deep brown skin contrasted nicely against the white, complimenting her features and drawing attention from the raised white runes that traced along her dark skin. The dark curly mane framing her face was left untamed and gave her a fierce look. She was the High Enchantress of White Magic, so she was one to be feared.

Seated beside Philipa was Char Jones, a gangly fire nymph- the High Enchantress of Elemental Magic. The Irish girl was the youngest one of us here at 200 years, give or take a decade. Her ginger hair and freckles gave her a look of naivety, but don't be fooled, she was one of the most ruthless women I had ever met. She had opted out of a dress and was instead wearing a shining red/orange pantsuit that shifted and shimmered in the light, reminiscent of the very flames she called her own. She curled her lip in a fearsome smile when locked eyes with her, tipping my head towards her and responding with a flash of my own pointed teeth.

Daniel Oliveira, sharply handsome in a white shirt and dark green vest sat rigid in his chair unsmiling. The brazilian shapeshifter's hawkish features were schooled into a hard visage, the sparkle in his yellow-green eyes the only indication he was pleased to see me. It seems I had made a new friend. He pressed three fingers to his brown in greet, just brushing through the feathers that lined the edge of his hair reminiscent of his other form; the predatory Hawk- King of the Skys. The High Enchanter of Spirit Magic- calculating and vicious. I returned the gesture respectfully.

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