Chapter 16. The Crown

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"Do you require any more assistance, Your Highness?" the maid asked as the young girl twirled around, giggling as her skirts swished and sighed with the movement.

Queen Guinevere stood to the side, scrutinizing the dress with a practiced eye. The cascading layers of satin were a pure, lovely white that contrasted nicely with the dark waves of the girls hair. The fine gold threading and elaborate curls and whorls stitched into the skirt of the dress made the cloth shimmer, and the thin golden belt that draped around the girl's slim waist and came to a point by the matching silk slippers adorning her feet. Her sleeves were in the new fashion of the court, long and draped, nearly dragging on the ground.

"Please fetch the Princess's circlet for this evening. The gold one with the sapphire inlay."

The young maid bowed and rushed from the room, leaving the queen and the girl alone. 

"I cannot believe you are already thirteen years old, a full grown woman so soon!" The queen said brightly, coming to stand in front of the smaller girl. "You look beautiful Mor."

The green-blue eyes, those that matched her husband's perfectly, flashed up to meet hers with a sparkle behind them. "Not quite as beautiful as you, Queen Mother."  She spoke softly, with poise and delicacy. 

The Queen herself was dressed to compliment the Princess. Her gown was made of a similar style but of a deep, rich blue threaded with a gold accent. Her husband would be dressed in the same colors, the blue and the gold matching with the Pendragon Crest. No doubt the Prince Mordred would even wear blue and gold for once as well, in honor of his little sister's birthday and coronation.

"You needn't call me Queen Mother when it is just us two. I have told you this several times my daughter." The Queen chided with a smile as she nimbly adjusted the belt and straightened the skirt. Her daughter would look perfect for today.

"Fine then Mother, would you please stop fussing?" She grinned teasingly. It was well known that the Queen would fuss and dote over her adopted daughter all day if given the opportunity. 

The maid quickly returned with a delicate golden circlet. It came to a small point that would rest on the girls forehead, a lovely deep sapphire gem set into the design and sparkling brightly. Handing the item to Guinevere, she maid bowed out of the room quickly at her dismissal. The  Queen set the circlet upon the Princess' dark waves, smoothing down her hair and gently adjusting a few strands to lay on on her shoulders. 

She placed gentle kiss to the top of her head and pulled away, "You are ready. Do you remember all the steps to the ceremony?" She asked anxiously.

"Yes mother, you mustn't worry. You drilled this into my head a thousand times over the past few weeks."

Guinevere clucked her tongue then conceded with a sigh, "Stubborn girl." With one last smile and a soft touch to the girls cheek the Queen spun out of the room and into the adjoining corridor.

As she glided down the hallway she nearly ran into the Prince Mordred dressed in his finery. The deep blue of his doublet was so dark it was almost black, but the gold threading in it made it shimmer much like her own gown. His dark hair, identical in color to his sister's, moved against his stubble covered cheeks in handsome curls. His strong jaw and the set of his eyes made him look like a darker, younger copy of her husband and often she was struck by how charming and handsome he looked when he dressed in anything beside his normal drab wardrobe of black.

The now young man of three and twenty bowed deeply to the beautiful Queen before him. "Forgive me Your Grace, I was coming to escort the Princess to her coronation."

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