Chapter 3. Girl Power

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Before I met with Billy Black, the Quileute Chief, I needed some serious touch-ups.

My undershirt was ruined, the dress was dirty and grass stained, and I was still barefoot. I didn't even want to think about how my hair looked.

I could smell the humans as we got closer to civilization, and as we changed direction to head to wherever the chief was, it suddenly hit me that I was extremely thirsty but I felt no need to feed on the humans nearby. Perhaps it was because they were now in my jurisdiction that I wasn't tempted by their blood, or maybe they all smelled faintly of wolf. Either way, the fact made me breath a little easier, knowing I wouldn't have to fight for control of my thirst if I ever was in a dangerously starving state.

We approached a small red house with a ramp and a wrap around porch. It was quaint and homely. I could smell the humans inside.

I stopped at the tree line, taking in the site, mentally planning on what I was going to wear for the appointment of a new Council Liaison.

The majority of the wolves had stopped behind me, phasing and pulling on various articles of clothing. Leah, already being in human form, gave me a questioning look.

I returned her curiosity with wink. "I can't exactly introduce myself as enchantress to the chief of a tribe in this state. I look homeless." I chuckled at her sheepish look, knowing full well that it was her that ruined my new dress.

"So, Miss Hottie, should I go with the cliche black, a vibrant red, or a pastel pink?"

She looked perplexed for a moment, seemingly giving my question serious thought. After a moment she responded "Hmmm how about... I don't give a fuck."

I laughed loudly at her response, "Alright then, cliche black it is." I liked this one.

I waved a hand encased in black sparks over my form, shifting my outfit into a pair of dark jeans, a white tank, some black combat boots, and a black leather jacket. To top it off, I magicked a pair of finger-less gloves onto my hands and pulled my hair up into a tight ponytail.

A quick glace at Leah made me flash a grin in her direction, "What, didn't think someone could look this hot in jeans?"

She rolled her eyes, "No, just thought you would wear something fancier than a leather jacket."

"What?! A leather jacket works with any outfit and for any occasion!" I feigned outrage.

"Whatever you say..."

"I think I'm going to like you Miss Hottie. Now lets go before the puppies start to get angry."

The only one permitted to enter (or be in ear shot of the house) was the pack's Alpha, Sam Uley. Despite the protests of the other boys, I remained firm that the council meeting must be confidential.

Upon entering the house, I was immediately struck by how cozy and welcoming it felt. Two people stood in the room, a 3rd sat in a wheel chair. The man in the wheelchair had long black hair and a look in his eyes that read wisdom and power. It was clear to me then that he was the Chief, Billy Black. The man standing next to him looked extremely old, sporting too many wrinkles to count, even with my enhanced vision. The woman I immediately decided had to be related to Leah, as she shared the same striking features and beautiful eyes.

"Hello. I am the Chief of the Quileute Tribe, William Black Jr., though most call me Billy. These are the two acting council elders, Old Quil Ateara III and Sue Clearwater. Welcome to our lands."

His voice was deep, gravelly, and held an overtone of authority that every chief should carry. He was calm and level, even when sitting a few feet away from a powerful vampire and enchantress. I felt a small seed of respect begin to blossom in my chest.

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