Chapter 12. Of Newborns and Old Vampires

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"Bella, have you eaten dinner yet?" I asked as I entered Edwards room unannounced.

"Anna could you please learn to knock?" He sighed as Bella sprung away from him in surprise, face already flushing at my interruption.

I twitched my eyebrow and the corners of my lips pulled up, "So that's what you two are up too.." I mumbled, watching Bella's cheeks beginning to darken.

Bella, in an effort to calm herself, answered my question, "No, I figured I could just eat a sandwich or something. Esme keeps the fridge stocked for me."

I shook my head in response, "Put on your shoes and come with me, I am taking you to dinner and I won't accept no for an answer." I turned on my heel before she could respond and was up the stairs grabbing a jacket and tugging on a pair of sneakers.

I could hear her speaking to Edward in the room below me, "Do I have to go?"

"Yes. Anna is worse than Alice when it comes to getting what she wants." was his reply.

"Shut the fuck up you twat!" I called back down while collecting my bag, now a thin-strapped cross body purse. I tapped my lip in thought as I scanned the hooks next to the door, choosing which vehicle I wanted to drive. Something smaller than the jeep and more inconspicuous. I grabbed the keys to my black corvette and hopped down the stairs.

Emmett was on the couch watching a basketball game, yelling at the screen as his team lost the ball. Rosalie was curled into his side reading a book titled Royal Families of Europe. She gave me a smile as I plopped down across from her, waiting on the human.

"Whatcha reading Rosie?" I asked, though I could clearly see the title.

"It's a book I found in Carlisle's study. It piqued my interest so I thought I would give it a read."

I nodded at her response and grinned, "How is it?"

Her eyebrows knit together a bit and she seemed a bit conflicted, "The book itself is good, but some of the stories in here are really sad. I just finished the section on King Arthur."

"What's the book say happened?" I asked, a curiosity coming over me.

"Well Guinevere and Lancelot fell in love and Arthur found out about the affair the eve before the battle against his son, Mordred, who was trying to overthrow his father for the throne. With a broken heart he went into the fray and died from a combination of his wounds and a lack of a will to live. Mordred was struck down by his father's friends, and Sir Lancelot also lost his life in the fight. Guinevere died soon after from the grief of losing her husband, her lover, and her stepson all in the same night. Its rather sad, don't you think?" Rosalie asked me.

I nodded slowly, "Yes that story is very sad. But its not what really happened." I told her. "The history books have never gotten it right."

Rosalie sat up a bit, "Were you there? Are you that old?" None of the vampires around me could resist trying to find out about my history, which I kept to myself.

"I knew someone who was there. They died a very long time ago." I responded, my mind on a boy I had once known with dark hair and eyes of green.

"Oh. I'm sorry Anna." she said softly, leaning forward to rest a hand on my knee.

"Don't worry about it Rosie, people die, civilizations fall, crowns rust, its the way of things. Just know that the books don't always paint the picture correctly, yeah? Oh and when you get to the part about Queen Elizabeth I, let me know. That woman knew how to party." I stood as Bella came down the stairs, holding tight to the railing so she wouldn't fall.

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