Chapter 6. Ain't No Party Like a Wolf Party...

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It was the day of the bonfire, the day Leah would be officially sworn in to her role as Council Liaison. I had been training her for almost 2 weeks, and now all she had to do was pass an oral exam. It should be easy enough, as she only needed to understand the magical world and some of the laws, but I was nervous for her sake. She needed to get 40/50 questions right to pass, and so far she had answered 37 of them correct; if she got the next three right she passes. If she could correctly answer the final 10 application questions, she would earn the more prestigious title of Archliaison, which would grant her higher access and rank.

She sat across from me, back rigid and eyes level as she answered each question I had on the clipboard in front of me. "What is the difference between a mage and a witch?"

"Whether or not the individual was born with magical powers." Correct. That was 38.

" How many total Enchantresses and Enchanters are there?"

"There are 7 High Enchanter/ Enchantresses and 49 'regular', 7 from each field of magic. That brings the total to 56." That was 39.

"What are the 7 fields of magic?"    

"Black, White, Prophecy, Inquisitorial, Spirit, Corporal, and Elemental." 40! I fought to keep my face stern and serious, but on the inside I was ecstatic. She had passed! Now I wanted to see if she could make it to Archliaison.

"Now for the analysis questions. These will be longer, and there are only 10. I will give you a scenario and a question and you will answer in the best way you can. Any questions?"

"No, I understand." Her jaw was tight, and I could sense that she was nervous.

She continued to breeze through the questions with flying colors and in no time we were on the final question. 

"A werewolf and wolf shapeshifter are being interrogated for a trespassing charge on a vampires land. The wolves in question both have dark brown fur, which was found in the vampires territory, but both claim they were elsewhere. The werewolf claims that she was on a date with another werewolf, but refuses to release the name for personal reasons. The shapeshifter claims he was in his home, alone, at the time of the allegations and refuses to offer up a sample of hair for evidence. How could one discern their innocence without need for a DNA sample or the name of the date?"

Leah's brows furrowed for a moment then her face cleared. "Any supernatural creature can discern the scents of the two and if given a sample of fur found in the vampires territory one could match the scent to one of the suspects. However, due to the No-Scent Discrimination Act, this would not hold up in court as reliable evidence. It could however, point towards the correct suspect and allow investigators to eliminate another."

I grinned internally at her awesomeness. Usually everyone brought up the scent, but the reason this question was so hard to pass was because of the No-Scent Discrimination Act, which she mentioned and explained easily. 

"Leah..." I started slowly, "you needed to get 40/50 questions in order to pass."

A look of worry crossed her face as she leaned forward, "How many did I get? Did I pass?"



"I said 50/50. A perfect score. 100%. That means you get the title of Council Archliaison!"

She froze for a moment then leapt up with a huge smile on her face. "Archliaison!!!"

The next second she had pulled me up into a hug. "Thank you," she breathed in my ear as she squeezed me tight, seemingly unbothered by my ice cold skin. I gently hugged her back, glad that she was finally getting comfortable around me.

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