Chapter 8. Decisions, Decisions

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Seattle was in a state of terror as the body count climber higher and higher. A newborn army had been unleashed upon the city, and no one even knew it yet.

Riley Biers was getting irritated. He had given them specific instructions on how to feed, the best times, the most obscure locations, even on how to hide the bodies. But here they were, destroying cars and causing chaos.

He picked up a car door and slammed it on the ground, the sounds of growling and crying quieting at the sound.

"What did I say about keeping a low profile?!" He shouted. Calming himself, he began to speak in a low voice.

"Something's coming... Something... Bigger than any of us alone. And if you can't control yourselves," his voice raised again, "we're all going to die."

The other vampires in the alleyway seemed guilty for a moment then became distracted by their pray and started feeding again, not heeding his words. He sighed to himself. She wasn't going to be happy about this.

"What's done is done, just.. clean up after yourselves." He said.

Four cloaked figures stood watching on a dark rooftop nearby. Two had cloaks of lighter grey, the other two cloaked in black, signifying their rank.

The shorter of the two in grey spoke softly, "They've already drawn too much attention."

The tallest, a hulking figure curled his lip in agreement, "So has our inaction. Others may begin to question the Volturi's effectiveness."

The smallest of the figures blinked once at this. She was not concerned about others opinions, "Let them." If anyone so much as spoke against them she could make them regret their words.

The tall male turned away from the scene abruptly, "Maybe we should consult with Aro."

Then pain like a hot dagger stabbed into his mind, coursing throughout his body. His back bowed in agony and he groaned against the hold the witch twin had on him.

Her eyes held an unbothered coldness even as she burned inside with anger as she regarded her handiwork, "Aro's decisions are being watched." She let him writhe a moment longer than released her power. "We must decide."

It was her twin who stepped forward, soothing her internal flames. A gentle touch on the arm and she was calm. "Then decide sister. It's time."

She nodded at his words, eyes distant. "Yes, it is."

She turned to face the chaos below, observing the newborns with a cold disposition.

"Either we let them do what they were created for, or we end them." A sadistic smile curled its way onto her face.

"Decisions, decisions..."


Finally we meet the Volturi! Super excited now :)

Its a short chapter, I know, but essential!

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