Chapter 22. Castillo de las Hadas

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"I think we should see other people."

A smooth, dark brow quirked at that, "You are a very sore loser, love." His smile was smug, all together too satisfied that he bested me again.

I grumbled bad naturedly and glowered at the chessboard where the third game I had lost in a row was still set up. In a quick motion I had the pieces swept away into a box and the game stashed back in one of the compartments of the plane.

I opened my mouth to tell him just how sore a loser I could be when the Captain's voice came over the loudspeakers. "Ahora estamos comenzando nuestro descenso a Valencia. Por favor tome asiento para el resto del vuelo." Finally!

Our flight had to make two stops, the first in Boston and the second in Lisbon. From the airport it was only a half hour drive to my estate.

I was getting excited, ready to show my family one of my favorite holdings. I knew they would all love it, especially with the surprises I had prepared for them with the help of Helena.

Before we left the airport I insisted we change into more appropriate attire. I donned a tea length sheer dress with capped sleeves and a pink and white floral print. Bree changed into a sleeveless vibrant yellow sundress and a quarter sleeve white cotton cardigan that looked lovely on her, and each of the boys put on a set of dress pants, white button ups with the sleeves rolled, and solid colored vests at my order. Diego wore a set of tan pants and a yellow vest completed with a yellow bow tie, to match Bree's dress, and Fred chose to go with black pants and a matching black vest with a simple black tie. Poor Alec had been forced into a grey slacks and a pink vest- which looked hot as hell on him- and a gray tie.

They grumbled and fidgeted in their formal wear, complaining about having to wear it but when I fixed them with a glowering look they hushed up. They soon forgot about their discomfort when we left the airport in the limo, driving through the lovely city of Valencia, Spain.

The time flew by now, the newborns gaping at the sights and Alec holding onto me tightly. We drove out of the city and they chatted animatedly in the back of the limo as the beautiful landscape rolled past us.

"So where are we going, Anna?" Bree asked brightly, kneeling up in her seat like a small child to peer through the windows.

"Yeah and why did we have to get all dressed up?" Diego butted in.

"You'll see," was my cryptic reply that had them huffing in response. I chuckled at their expression, knowing that patience came with age.

At last the car turned down a shaded lane that cut through a field of grape vines.

"Are we at a vineyard, love?" my mate ask from beside me.

"Not just any vineyard," I told the coven that turned to look at me with curiosity, "Our vineyard."

"We have a vineyard?!?" Shouted Diego, practically bouncing in his seat. My newborns really were acting like children today.

"I bought it back in the 1800's and lived here for a while. There isn't an established Spanish Coven nearby so I thought it wouldn't hurt to buy some property here. The wine this place makes is delightful and feeds a steady stream of money into my substantial bank account- one you now have access to." I pulled out 3 shiny black pieces if plastic and handed them to each of the newborns. Alec gave me a raised eyebrow at not getting one but a glare kept his mouth shut.

The newborns gaped at me, even Fred had the decency to look amazed. "Exactly how substantial is this bank account?" he asked, leaning forward onto his elbows. I smirked lightly, "I've been alive for a millenium, own several houses, have stock in huge companies, run a vineyard and multiple businesses across the world, and am a Enchantress of Black Magic. How substantial do you think it is?"

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