Chapter 24. Prepare for Trouble; and Make it Double!

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The cold winter morning was bright and joyous, Yuletide had come to Camelot. The heavily pregnant Queen was in confinement, swollen and glowing like the moon. She was due in the next few weeks and the entire kingdom was looking forward to the birth.

The King sat balancing on his horse as it danced beneath him, shouting and laughing with his guard and his family in the courtyard. Even the Prince Mordred was affected by his jolly mood, smiling and laughing from his own dark stallion. They were riding out to check in on some reports in the surrounding area of bandits, and although their task was a dangerous one no one in the party had any fear.

The started as a group towards the gates, no one noticing the small figure cloaked in black that joined their party.

They were out of the castle grounds and a mile or so down the road when the figure made its way to ride next to the Prince, pulling off their hood and shaking out their long dark hair.

"Hello Crown Princess. I was wondering when you would make your appearance." Her brother teased, giving a slight mocking bow.

Mor simply shrugged, "I was getting bored in confinement and Queen Mother fell asleep. I could use a bit of fun."

The prince glanced over his sisters attire, noting the dark cape that covered her form but more importantly the dark pants she had donned. "You must keep that cloak on, if any of the ladies of the court see you in that they will be so scandalized we might have a revolution on our hands."

She scowled, "I do not understand why I must wear those cumbersome dresses all the time! They are wonderful for balls and holding court but for hunting or fighting they are ridiculously restricting. I couldn't even parry a side slash with those corsets and ribbons and skirts." Her voice had risen slightly as she threw her hands up in exasperation.

At the sound of his daughters voice the King whipped around in his saddle, eyes lighting upon his children. He peeled away from his guards and fell in line between the dark haired siblings, clapping his son on the shoulder and chucking his daughters chin.

"You two will be the death of me- never a dull moment. Not good for an old man." he laughed heartily, drawing attention towards them. A ripple of murmurs went through the crowd as the caught sight of the Crown Princess in their midst.

"Sorry father," they echoed together, laughing as they did so.

The King did not chide his younger daughter for joining them. She was the Crown Princess so she had a right to see her kingdom, and she was also very capable of taking care of herself should any trouble occur. The newly appointed Sorcerer of Black Magic could probably take down any of his men without ever drawing her sword, one that Mordred had made sure she could use with deadly skill.

"Has that insufferable warlock of yours left yet?" Mordred asked his sister, scoffing at the thought of her peculiar teacher.

Mor fixed him with an icy glare, "Merlin is not insufferable! And yes, he left this morning. It has already been two weeks since I was promoted so his departure was long overdue, sadly." She looked truly sorrowful at the retiring of the eccentric warlock- he was her friend and her teacher, of course she was going to be sad.

"I was quite fond of the man. His bird? Not so much." The King commented gruffly, causing his daughter to snort in a rather unladylike fashion.

"The bird I liked," Morder mused, remembering the time it had swooped down during a banquet and carried off the roasted turkey- only to drop it on Sir Lancelot's head.

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