Introduction/Part 1

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Helloooooo! This is my first story so let us see where this takes us! My second story, Keys to the Kingdom is out and that's a sequel to this, check that out, if you want to.

Y/N means your name
Your last name is Creatur
E/c means your eye color
H/l means your hair length
Y/h means your height
Ok cool let's gets going. I won't spend too much time on you being young and I get that I said you were 9 to start out with and I get that 9 years old wouldn't  normally be talking and thinking what you will be but just imagine you're like a really really gifted nine year old, because in this story, you are. Note: no real relationship stuff until you hit legal age because here we follow the law here lol. I will also switch between 1st, 3rd, and 2nd person regularly.

Also if you're not really about that brother/sister backstory skip to the "We Outta Here" chapter. Thx UwU lol

Your POV

You found yourself on the hard floor. Well, the dirty street was more like it. It was the scent of forlorn and lost gamblers that filled your nose. The smell of lost hopes and dreams and
You jumped out the way. Jeez, that was really close. You surveyed your surroundings and tried to remember the ten your mom taught you. You didn't know much about nen, and you couldn't attack, but you could do basic defense. Ever since the house blew up and Aunt Nina who had custody over you dumped you here, in Glam Gas Land, you've been trying to finding a way to make a living. Well, today was your lucky day. A short girl with a peppy attitude who looked about 6 years older than you (and decidedly much cleaner) approached you and said, " hi, what are you doing here, do you need help?". "Hell yeah I need help!" You replied with disdain at your good for nothing aunt, and for life in general. "Well, I can help you- if you'll just come with me please" she said. You were wary but you had a pretty decent sense of smell tied to your nen ability and you could sniff out good or bad vibes from a mile away, literally. She smelled like genuine concern so you followed her.
You followed her into a circus.
She walked away and left you there,
presumably to fetch her boss and ask to keep and train you. As you explored the inside of a neon and colorful, yet oddly off-putting tent you found a boy, about 13 building a fragile card house. You laughed at him because his intense concentration on such a trivial thing you thought was straight up comedy gold. You literally just got dumped here by the only surviving member of your family (after two years of her attempting to take care of you through your grief ).
The boy looked up. You didn't dwell on his handsome face, or his dull red hair. Instead you looked into his eyes. You remember the voice of your dad saying "sweetie if you want to know someone, I mean really know them, you look into their eyes".
The boy narrowed his eyes at you waiting for an explanation as to why you disturbed him. You didn't care, you wanted to see who exactly this thought he kid was, so you looked into his golden eyes, deeply. And

you started crying.

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