Illumi's horrible timing

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I woke up with my face in Hisoka's crotch. I sat up immediately and Hisoka said, "ah, awake are we now?" I had a pounding headache, presumably because of my outburst. "Ugh, what happened?" I asked, still half-asleep. Hisoka, with a neutral face, playing with his damp cards said, "well, Love, were in the Bahamas and you just drank a whole keg of beer, and I had to carry you home, and-" I cut him off by pushing my lips onto his, and kissing him. I wanted the kiss to last longer, but he pulled away, widened his eyes and made a fake innocent expression, with a smile playing in his lips and he said "but y/n, we're in public". I blushed, because we were. By now I was fully awake and I settled with my back against the wall, next to Hisoka. I asked, looking around, "where's Gon?" Hisoka said " hmmmmmm you mean my new toy? My unripe fruit? He's not here yet." I scrunched my face into an upset expression at hearing Gon being called a toy, but I said nothing. Gon didn't seem too bright but I believed he could handle himself, especially with that Killua boy looking out for him.

Timeskip to boat ride
I was studying the seawater water while Hisoka was off doing Hisoka things. I admired the dark expanse of blue and I conjured a tiny starfish and used the wind blow it out i to the horizon line until it disappeared. Behind me Illumi whispered, "beautiful". Absolutely furious with myself for not sensing him I whipped around to face him. "Can I fucking help you ballerina man?" I inwardly cringed at what a bad insult it was, but I just hoped he'd go away. He said, "y/n I loved the storm you made." I just sat there, staring at him in his purple Mohawk form. Illumi was Illumi though, no matter what he looked like and I said nothing. He said, "y/n I was only trying to help. My parents use fear and pain to train my siblings and I and it works. It always works". He said, expressionless as usual. I realized as a Zoldyck he probably had gone through and seen some real shit I had never even imagined possible. Still mad at him for trying to justify his actions by making me feel bad for him I said, "you don't get to act with me the way you did. hey, I don't care if your traumatized. I'm only one person's full time therapist and that's Hisoka's. If you have some sad ass backstory to tell, go find someone else." My heart went out to him, and I instantly regretted the words I said. I imagined how horrible his childhood might have been like. He turned away and I said, "wait! look, I'm sorry for what I said. I'll listen if you need someone to, uh, to be your part-time therapist. I don't make house calls, heh". Illumi moved to hug me and I said, "no hugs, just high fives, buddy" I added 'buddy' so he knew he was in the friendzone. Illumi just stood there and I stood there awkwardly. It was silent and I tried to read Illumi's face but that was impossible. I just said, "ok bye now". I walked away and considered trying to find Hisoka. That's when I heard Gon and Killua's voices. "Ah, there are my two favorite boys!" I yelled and sat across from them. I looked into Gon's bright shining eyes as they reflect the sun and my heart melted. Gon is baby, I thought. I looked at Killua next and his dark eyes were not so bright, and his demeanor was much less kind. I already knew that about him, but as I stared into his blue eyes some more I wondered if he had maybe been abused or something. Something was off with him, but didn't want to pry so I said, "so who are you guys hunting?" I winked and showed them my number. I was some nenless young man I had seen earlier. Gon showed me his and I gasped. "Oh no." It was Hisoka's number. Killua's face fell. I was worried for Gon so I told him, "you have to catch him when he's distracted, you can't win in a fight against him, please don't fight him" I said. Gon's eyes widened and he said, "y/n you don't need to worry about me! I have a plan!" Gon winked at Killua and Killua just blushed. I silently wondered if Killua had a crush on Gon. Gon was probably too childish, innocent, and naïve to notice it if he did. I didn't care too much for who Killua i doubted he'd tell me so who he was hunting and I just didn't ask him who his target was. I ruffled the boys' hair and I considered staying with them for the whole ride. Like Killua could read my thoughts, he said annoyed, "y/n is that all? Gon and I were going to spend some time together before the next phase". Gon's eyes widened and he said, "Killua, don't be rude!"I just got up, with my knees popping. I said happily "no worries, I'll see you boys later." I walked away and filled up my water bottles, used the bathroom, and snuck into the kitchen. The door was locked but I just used my brand of bungee gum to form my aura into a key. It took a few tries but I broke in and shoved as many granola and fruit bars into my backpack that would fit. After all, I'd have to eat while marooned on that island and I wanted to try to avoid hunting animals. Hunting was a lot of work, and it was avoidable. I saw some cookies and went, "-oop jackpot". I grabbed some cookies and stuffed them in a ziplock bag and put it in my backpack too. I looked around, hoping to find something else useful. There were some water purifying tabs and I realized this kitchen was probably locked because your survival skills really weren't being tested if you had food and clean water stocked up. Luckily, I didn't give a shit and grabbed the water purifying tabs, instant lemonade tabs, some full plastic water bottles, and even more granola bars. I realized if too many were gone, they will have known someone broke in. However, they never said I couldn't take from the kitchen, so I fought to close my full backpack and once I did, I left the room again and closed the door. I felt Hisoka behind me and I turned around smiling.

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