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People have always said that Hisoka Morrow is a heartless killer. A man, or rather a hedonist incapable of any substantive human attachment. Y/n has shown him, and the world that that is not the case. The beginning of their lives together has shown that Mr. Morrow could in fact be unlocked, and y/n was the only person in the entire Universe who could've done it.

The first fight was Gon and Hanzo and Gon was getting beat to a pulp. Both Leorio and I were completely freaking out the whole time and we were both yelling stuff like, "Hanzo if you hurt Gon one more time I'll fuck you up!" And "Gon hang in there!" Hisoka just frowned and crossed his arms in discontent as he sexily rolled his neck every so often. I mean it was sexy to me. This whole morning ever since I've had sex with Illumi made me notice how physically appealing Hisoka actually is. 
I mean I've always loved him and I've been wanting him for a few years now but I never really payed too much attention to how his muscles in his back rippled when he moved, or how strong his arms were, or how seductive his smiles were and how elegant, confident and purposeful his move was. Gon faded into the background as I stared at Hisoka standing beside me. I admired his, calm, yet slightly playful expression and how his lips looked so smooth and they always wore some kind of mischievous smile. I admired his bright hair and makeup that completed the deliciously eccentric aesthetic and I found myself wondering what exactly it would be like to have sex with him. How much of it would feel the same as with Illumi? Would I enjoy it more because I actually loved Hisoka? What would it be like? I gazed at him until I was jolted from my thoughts with him saying annoyed, "Love, how rude of you to distract me with your stares when I'm trying to observe my little unripe fruit here. Hnnnnnn yes, one day Gon will be a powerful one worth fighting. I can practically see the drool, y/n. Control yourself Love while I monitor my toy." He turned his attention back to Gon. I shrugged and gently hip bumped him. I wasn't about to feel ashamed for admiring him. I should get that right anyway, as Hisoka's unofficial-yet-pretty -obviously girlfriend.

My fight came right after Gon's so I didn't get a chance to check up on him. I figured I'd see about him after my fight, and my fight was largely uneventful. I won and it wasn't exactly super easy, but it most definitely was not a huge challenge either. I considered staying to watch Hisoka fight but it annoyed me that he was so wrapped up in the progress and potential of a child rather than me, so I didn't feel obligated to be there. Plus, unless he got paired with Illumi, Hisoka would win the fight with ease anyway, so I didn't really need to be there to send supportive vibes at the moment. I cringed at the thought of Illumi and I pushed him out of my mind. I wouldn't ever let him bother me or ruin me again, I vowed silently. I roamed down the hallways to find and check on Gon. When I was let into his room by some Hunter Association employee I didn't recognize, I found Gon asleep in bed with his injured arm wrapped up. I sat on the edge of his bed and just admired his innocent and childlike face. Despite everything, he was willing to dedicate his whole life to becoming a hunter in the name of finding his dad, who left him. Gon's dad must be a real jerk to leave Gon, who is such a strong, pure-hearted kid.  I considered getting up but I just laid down horizontally at Gon's feet on his bed. I promised myself I'd only sleep for 15 minutes but I was emotionally and physically exhausted. I had tried to heal my own back with nen and I fixed a lot of the damage, but it was difficult to heal an area I couldn't see fully to asses the damage of. Usually, I needed to see what exactly the wound looked like before I could patch it up. My eyes began to droop as soon as I laid my head down on the soft, plain blue blankets and I fell asleep while looking at Gon's peacefully sleeping face.

The examiner from the first phase shook me awake and thrust my hunter's Liscense into my face. I sat up, rubbed my eyes and grabbed it. I mumbled a tired, "thanks" and he told me he needed to speak with Gon alone and I should join the others in the conference room down the hall and to the right. I picked myself up and trudged into the room, still tired from a 'who knows how long' nap. It had already started and Netero was talking about how "not to loose your card, you don't get any replacements, etc" I cringed as the door slammed behind me and everyone except Hisoka turned to look at me. I was about to sit in the back corner to draw less attention to myself interrupting the whole thing but Hisoka just patted the empty seat next to him, still without turning around. I smiled sheepishly and tried to think of a good excuse for being late so I said, "sorry guys, I had to check on Gon." I considered throwing a murderous glare over to Hanzo, but he had done Gon a favor by not injuring him further, and surrendering so Gon could become a Hunter. So, I just moved quickly into the seat next to Hisoka, just looking at him. I felt the eyes of everybody on me and I chuckled nervously at being late to a meeting being conducted by the chairman of the Hunter's Association. When I sat by Hisoka, he lightly brushed his knee against mine in a comforting guesture. I listened to Netero go on about the details of being a hunter when later Gon burst in and angrily approached Illumi. I leaned forward, interested in what Illumi had done to make Gon so mad. Join the club, kid, I thought. Gon mentioned something about Killua failing the exam and being forced to go home because of Ilumi. After that, all kinds of discussion broke out about the validity of so and so's fight, and what did Hisoka whisper to Kurapika, and so on. I wasn't surprised at hearing about how Hisoka acted mysteriously. That was kind of his M.O. and I filed it away in my brain to ask him about later. I was more worried about what Illumi did to Killua. I had the urge to go rescue Killua myself after seeing Gon reinjure Illumi's already injured arm. I was proud of Gon and his shining chestnut eyes made love that kid even more. I wanted to help Gon achieve his goal of succeeding with recovering his friend. Soon, the conference ended and everyone filed outside to an open courtyard area.

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