Bad betch

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Your POV
You stayed quite the whole time, listening intently as he poured out his story. You thought back to his eyes, to his smell. It made sense why they contradicted themselves, you thought. The smell of a candy shop represents the person he could've been if maybe he had gotten therapy instead of beatings. The light in his eyes showed how he had embraced the worst parts of himself and made his purpose in life to get stronger, to break others as his father broke him and his mother. As you contemplated this you shed a tear. You didn't want him to know you were awake but even though his senses were dulled by his emotions, when he heard your tear hit the pillow as he finished his story he knew you were awake. "Y/n darling there's no fooling me." He said, slightly angry at not noticing you were awake before he spilled his guts. You stayed quiet, but it was no use. He leaned forward and blew on your eyes. Your eyes fluttered at the feeling and he said " Ah, so you are awake. It seems that now that you know my big secret, I'll have to dispose of you. A pity, really, but can't have you blowing my cover" he seethed, golden eyes glowing like a cat's. You opened your eyes and exclaimed, " no! I won't tell anyone! Pinkie promise! My parents are dead too. I mean I didn't kill them, but uh- I'm so sorry! None of that was your fault I so sorry!" You half yelled out of concern for him and fear for your life.

Hisoka's POV
"Not my fault, eh?" I said.
"Huh?" She said looking at me startled and confused.
" my sister would've blamed me." I thought aloud.
" uh well, I don't blame you. I mean what you did isn't ok, but I get it. I mean I think that - I" she stumbled on her words, clearly thinking I might still kill her. I mean I thought about it, because she looked like my sister but she seemed... better, nicer? I don't know how to say it, I guess just didn't get the urge to rip out her organs and shove them down her throat. For right now. I refocused on her and she was still babbling on, saying " I mean death is so terrible I cry because my parents are gone and well you, I, uh, I guess you deserved a better childhood. I think I did too, I still miss them I-"
I held my hand up for her to stop because I could tell she wasn't planning on stopping any time soon. I still didn't know what to think about her, but some words she had said rang out in my mind " you deserved a better childhood". Hm. Now that's interesting. The only other person who told me I deserved better was my mom. Hm, to think, I Hisoka Morrow, deserved better. I usually don't entertain such thoughts. But looking at her, the concern for me, a murderer; well let's just say it made me consider whether or not I maybe deserved a better sister too. For so long I had buried my trauma, killed people under the cover of night to feel powerful, to feel like I had some control, but tonight I saw it. I saw myself in her- but better. I saw what I could've been with y/n as my sister. I saw a myself as a bad betch with bright hair gelled to look like fire, black heels, cool as sheet makeup and-
"HISOKA GET OUT". My rad thoughts were interrupted by Elaine who looked tired but very angry. Honestly, that girl has such a bone to pick with me, sometimes I wonder if she targets me just to have something to do. I sighed and got up.
" wait! It's uh- ok Elaine he's fine we were just talking about..." y/n called out.
"About?" Elaine questioned with her hands sassily placed on her hips as if she was y/n's mother.
"Ice cream" y/n called out.
"Ice cream" Elaine repeated, her tone deadpan.
A smile slithered it's way onto my face and and I ran out the room, too fast for Elaine to scold or slap me or whatever she had in mind. I was strong but she was stronger. For now, at least. As I ran from that dimly lit room I thought to myself that Aurora never did, and never would've covered for me, or helped me in any way. And y/n just did; even after I threatened to kill her, even after she knew what I did to my family. Hm it seems that things have just gotten interesting for me. Yes indeed...

Author here: Dang! Hisoka is human? Lol but I'm trying to make the POVs seem appropriate for each character. But yeah

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