On One Condition...

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The door to Leorio's room was open and it seems Hisoka hadn't moved from the spot that I had left him but he was sitting on the ground now, his hands on his knees. It seemed Leorio was here against his will. Hisoka was asking Leorio questions like, "what did she say about me when I came in?" and "what did she say to you about me?" I ran into the room frantically and closed a door. Leorio saw me and his eyes widened in surprise and relief. He immediately threw me one of his bigger shirts and I hastily put it on. I moved toward Hisoka, and I said, quickly, "Hisoka I don't want to leave you, no time to explain, trust me." Hisoka's eyes widened and he smiled and he just nodded. Then, I felt Illumi's presence down the hallway and I said, in case he could hear me " Hisoka, I'll give you a goodbye hug. Get on your knees for me so I can smell your hair one last time." Hisoka, small tears rolling down his face, sank to his knees. I took his face in my hands and determined where I'd strike. I moved in to kiss his forehead when I conjured a wind to keep Illumi away, and I conjured a small diamond scalpel and I made a deep incision in the middle of his forehead. I conjured water to wash the blood away so I could see clearly and I saw the tip of the pin. I slowly I descended my tweezers down to get it, I tried to get a grip on the tiny pin. It slid a little deeper as I missed. "Fuck" I whispered. Leorio said, "let me". I handed him the tweezers and focused on keeping Illumi restrained in the hallway before he could get through the door. This was was incredibly difficult, by the way. After what deemed like forever, Leorio extracted the pin successfully from Hisoka's forehead and I rushed over him to close up the deep wound using my nen. Hisoka smiled as blood dropped down the slope of his pointed nose like it was going down a ski slope. Hisoka said, "thank you, Love. It seems he heard our racket and decided that he had had enough. Hmmmmmm, a pity really." Illumi burst through the door looking betrayed and angry. Before he could try anything I pushed him angrily against the wall using my conjured winds and held him in place. Hisoka purred while moving closer to a restrained Illumi. "Hisoka", I whispered knowing he was about to kill Illumi. I wanted Illumi dead, I should've been ready and willing to see him dead. But after having my first time with him, after seeing him fight at trick tower I saw graceful, yet beautiful person he was, or could've been, and after hearing how he was raised to be a monster and a killer with no choice in the matter, my heart broke for him, even after all he'd done to me and Hisoka.

I glanced back quickly to Hisoka and Hisoka's eyes turned to my wobbling legs. His eyes widened as he turned to face Illumi once again, now with murderous intent gleaming. Hisoka said in a strangled whisper somewhere between anger and hurt he said, "y/n what did he do to you, my Love? What did that piece of scum do to you?" My eyes teared up as I said guiltily, "I had to Hisoka, he said he was going to marry me and he was never going to let me go! I had to do it so he'd feel comfortable, and fall asleep. It was the only way I could come back to you! I'm so sorry! Please Hisoka, please understand!" I was bawling now and i on my knees in front of Hisoka; begging for his forgiveness. He just looked at me as his eyes hardened in anger and determination, but I held onto his pants and leaned my head gently against his calves a as I said, "Hisoka, please forgive me, please. Even though he took my virginity, it was always you, you were always my first. My first best friend, my first companion", I paused and looked up at him with tears in my eyes. Because of my tears the image of him was blurry. I finished saying emotionally "my first and only love. Hisoka it's always been you. He got to my body first but you've always been in my heart long before I even knew he existed. Hisoka you are forever apart of and embedded within the core of my being. You've been woven within the very fabric of my soul since the very day first I met you and saw the beautiful, sorrowful  glow of your shining eyes. None of that will never change, no matter what." Hisoka just looked at me and I was so afraid he'd spit on me and walk away, out of my life forever. I panicked wondering what was going to happen if he left me but he interrupted my thoughts with, "as much as I like seeing you beg, this look doesn't suit you. Stand up, Love." I grimaced as I stood up, feeling my hips protest. He took his index finger and used it to tip my chin up to look into his eyes. As I looked at his pale dewy skin, warm golden eyes, his tear and star makeup and bright fuschia hair I hoped to God he'd marry me one day. I apologized, looking up at him. I said, "I should've known you never would've hurt me like that on purpose. I'm so so so so so sorry." A tear leaked out of my eye. I felt ashamed I had ever doubted him. He replied with, "all is forgiven, Love, I never should've hurt you and I should've said yes as soon as you asked to marry me" I frowned and said, "but you were under Illumi's control when I asked you." Hisoka replied thoughtfully, "well it was more like I was hypnotized by him.I maybe could've said yes, but I felt an intense, debilitating fear that Illumi amplified within me. He amplified what I already felt and he twisted it around in my mind, and convinced me it was right to do what I did.  It was as if he forced me to do what I did, but used my previous feelings to justify it to myself. I gave into the fear and I doubted your love for me, just as you doubted my love for you." I remembered all the horrible things I had thought about Hisoka, and I had wondered if he truly loved me, or I was just another one of his toys that he would scratch up and throw away. I had wondered if I truly was an exception to his behavior, or if I was just another object for him to play with. I realized that they were true fears I never really cared to admit. Now, I was glad we both acknowledged and accepted our fears that stemmed from our relationship with each other, and we were all the stronger for it. His expression softened and he said, " Love I understand. I forgive you and I will never let you go, because you are mine forever." He looked at me closer and whispered, "and I am yours." I choked back a sob of relief and I hugged him tightly. I savored his wholesome embrace until I felt myself getting dizzy from having to restrain a very strong and struggling Illumi using my air. I said to Hisoka, pulling out of our hug, but grabbing his hands, "I can't restrain him for much longer. What should we do?" I asked Hisoka.

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