Trick tower

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Warning! In this chapter there will be mentions of /allusions to rape, and there will be also sexual harassment in this chapter. I'll put trigger warnings where the spots begin and end, but still, be aware.

Your POV
Hisoka and I arrived hand in hand atop trick tower. From the very beginning, Hisoka realized we had to go through the tower and we parted ways to look for hollow sounding spots on the limestone tiles that would reveal where the trapdoors were. First, I saw Hisoka disappear into the tower and I neared where I saw him vanish. I picked a trapdoor by his because if, on the off chance I'd have to go through the tower with someone, I'd want it to be someone I knew and trusted like him, or maybe Gon. I slammed my foot into a trapdoor and I fell into a dimly lit room. I walked to the center of the room and gazed at the 3 foot tall cylindrical stone column. On it were high-tech looking handcuffs, with a note that said, "the two examinees must wear be handcuffed together for the duration of the time they spend in trick tower before they cross the finish line. in order to proceed to the next phase, both examinees must cross the finish line." I started to get nervous at seeing this because I didn't know who I'd get partnered with, and even though I could probably win the fight with whoever I got handcuffed to, I wanted this to be more like a 'fun bonding with a stranger adventure' rather than an argue-at-every-turn type situation. I was knocked out of my thoughts when purple Mohawk pin man dropped from a trapdoor that was adjacent to the one I dropped from. I back away from him. He was creepy as hell,ugly and his outfit sucked. Wait, that was similar Illumi's outfit that I had saw at the airport. And those pins... "Illumi?" I called out. Illumi sighed and pulled his pins out one by one. I was mesmerized by the horrible display of his face returning to normal. Illumi stared at me with those huge bottomless brown eyes and said cooly, "mention my true identity to anyone, and I will murder you". I asked, "what about Hisoka?" Illumi chuckled and said "Hisoka already knows. I suppose he must not have told you. Odd, I believed you two to be close". I knew that he was trying to rile me up, and it was working. I said nothing, trying to keep it together. He then said with his trademark expressionless face "hm. I wonder what other secrets he hides from you. From what I can tell" I didn't let him finish, and because he struck a nerve I seethed and said, "you ugly piece of shit! Shut up!" He just grabbed the handcuffs of the table and in one swift motion handcuffed my right hand to his. Then he said with in a light, yet monotone voice, "that's not what you seemed to think at the airport when" he glanced down at my chest and looked up again at my face smirking "when you chose to put on display your attributes for me". I raised my dominant (right) hand to attack him but then I realized he'd handcuffed us already. I let out a breath and tried to brush it off. He really knew how to insult well, I thought. I was ready and willing to simp for him upon meeting him, but now I considered him a flat out emotionless jerk. He strode forward into a door that opened when we had put the handcuffs on. He continued to lead the way through every twist, turn, and fork in the road. He seemed sure of where he was going and I wasn't about to stop his flow when it benefitted me. Lost in thought as he continued to lead me through some kind of maze, my gaze fell to his long hair that swung when he walked. God, it was beautiful. It was full, luscious and silky, like right out of a commercial. Without thinking I started to caress his hair with my non-handcuffed hand. "What are you doing?" Illumi asked as he stopped walking. My hand fell and I blushed a bit, embarrassed at how I almost attacked him earlier and now I was caught admiring his hair. Trying salvage the situation, I smiled and said, "admiring your hair! What else? Heh, how do you get it to look like that?" He just ignored me and kept walking.

After a few hours of fighting some trick tower prisoners, completing some puzzles, and letting Illumi lead me throughout what felt like the whole tower, we approached a seemingly dead end. However as we approached it, we saw that there was an empty doorway that led to a room of about 30 hand-size flying razor blades with serrated edges that moved erratically in the air within the confines room. At the end on the room, there was a closed door, a way out. Before we could try to double back the way we had came, the path behind us sealed up. I noticed a note by the side of the door that said, "the razor blades must each be rendered flightless by being cut in half before the participants may proceed." Illumi looked like he was about to go into the room, when I interlocked my fingers with his, knowing that physical contact would stop in in his tracks. He turned to,face me and said, "what are you doing?" I sighed, debating how much I would tell him about my nen abilities. I settled for saying, "I'm a conjurer but I usually conjure water animals and drown my victims." He just raised his arched eyebrows in silent questioning. I let his hand go and conjured Cheekums. I directed my freshwater squirrel to scamper up Illumi's leg and to his shoulder. I gestured to Cheekums and said, "I don't think water is going to be very useful in cutting steel blades." Illumi just nodded and I turned Cheekums into mist. Illumi said, "the more I consider it, I doubt whether or not my pins have the strength to cut these blades. After all, these pins I manipulate  were formed with the purpose of manipulating minds and appearances, not for brute strength ." He looked at me with a small, almost imperceptible smile playing on his small mouth. He twisted his lips and looked at me saying, "well as such a skilled conjurer such as yourself, why don't you conjure us some knives made of the strongest steel, or perhaps diamond?" I got upset at his words, because I knew he was mocking me. For all conjurers they had to actually see, taste, feel , and study the substance that they were planning to conjure. Illumi made it sound like it's my fault I can't just conjure whatever I can conceive. But, I just buried my anger to release later because now was certainly not the time. Defeated, I let out a breath and I said, "well then what the hell do we do?"

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