We outta here.

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Time skip: two years had gone by

Hisoka's POV
Y/n's birthday was June 12th, and mine was June 6the. Today was June 1st and I would soon be turning 15, and y/n 11. I chuckled at the thought that our birthdays were so close to each other and that her birthday happened exactly six days after mine. We were fated to end up together, I thought. I heard Sissy yelling. What a drama queen. Any time she trains with Elaine it's always " I got you NOW" or "take that" or "OH YEAH!?" I moved to the open space in the tent, the designated place for sparring to watch them. Joe, one of the other Transmuters watched too. His afternoon magic juggling performance was already over so he had nothing better to do than watch them and eat popcorn. I however, intended to observe  y/n's growth, as usual. Her aura has gotten astoundingly strong, and her defense impeccable, but her attacks were still weak. Personally, I thought it was time for her to find out her own special attack but Elaine insisted Sissy just wasn't ready yet.

Time skip
Hisoka's POV
When y/n turned 17 I knew I had made a mistake. In my youthful ignorance I thought y/n would be the perfect sister, the perfect person to fill my void. Well, she as perfect for that but not as a sister, as a soulmate. I realized this when she and Elaine were sparring on her birthday. She had a heart painted onto her right cheek, like always- just as I had my star and teardrop I'm each cheek. It was her idea, she said that we matched enough so you could tell we were together, but not too much so it didn't look like she was stealing my look. I chuckled at the memory. She unleashed her bloodlust, and i realized that in addition to being a conjurer, she had worked on mastering the ways of a transmuter as well. And that's when I saw it, she was using my bungee gum. My ability. I watched her fight intently using both her abilities and my own. When she used bungee gum (hers was purple instead of pink like mine) she smiled a little smile. Her bungee gum wasn't exactly like mine, but it was obvious that it was modeled after my ability. I knew that I couldn't be honest with her, not about my realization, not yet. She was my sweet little fruit and if I plucked her too early, well things would not go well, no they would not. So I decided that once she turned 18 she and I would leave to take the hunter's exam together and I would show her I was like her brother no more.

Time skip
Elaine POV
Well, the little squirt is 18 now and my back is really starting to fuck me up. I mean I'm not old but hell, I might as well be, the way I trained that girl. She's strong as shit, maybe almost as strong as Hisoka. Well, she's an adult now and I feel like I repaid my debt to the world tenfold by raising her. I mean I love her like a daughter but I'm itching to check out York New or maybe Tokyo or.... hm. I know Hisoka had plans to take her somewhere and at this point, I trust him to take good care of her. I thought about how I'd tell y/n it's time I get going to the next town to start a fresh hustle, maybe finish college, who knows? I'll miss that girl but I think she needs to get out into the world too. I pulled Hisoka aside and told him my thoughts about me leaving and him taking her to do whatever it is they wanted to do. Hisoka smiled a genuine smile but when he saw me admiring his nice, normal smile, his mouth twisted into a creepier one just for me. He knew I hated that look but he did it just to unnerve me. He told me that this was perfect and he wanted to take her to get a Hunter's license. I nodded, and gave my approval. He told me he had 6 million Jenny saved up from our collaborative jobs (between our magician performances, armed robberies, and paid assassinations; me Hisoka and y/n made some decent bank). I had only 3 million saved up because YOLO. Hisoka and I decided to eat lunch with Miss Creatur and tell her the plan.


I turned 18 and all of a sudden, Hisoka stopped calling me Sissy. I didn't think too much about it, as I was too busy observing Elaine and Hisoka talking in hushed tones to each other. Elaine kept gesturing wildly and Hisoka kept whispering and nodding. I glanced down at my phone that I had bought about two years ago. It was 8:00 in the morning and I yawned. A few days ago, Elaine told me to pack all my stuff and because Hisoka was taking me on vacation. When I heard that I laughed. We occasionally went on work-related road trips (code for hired assainaations) but never vacations. I sometimes wondered why we stayed in this city but I trusted both Elaine and Hisoka. I saw Elaine and Hisoka finish up,their conversation so I pretended to be asleep on the table, as a little game. Hisoka came over and sat down across from me and exclaimed in fake shock " my my what do we have here? Ah, a dead y/n? No, she seems to be breathing but..." that's when I pretended to wake up and I looked around in a disoriented fashion. I exclaimed "Why in Mother Nature's sweet sweet name am I at a circus?" I said. "Oh right. I'm gonna be training with a clown today." I said out loud dejectedly with a take pout.
"I prefer the term magician", Hisoka smirked.
"Of course you do you psychotic fuschia- haired fireball"
He laughed at our inside joke, knowing fire was his preferred way to kill his victims. I  proceeded to turn on my aura for our daily duel.
Ugh. I sighed I didn't feel like this today. I knew what he was about to say before he said it
" bungee gum has both the properties of rubber and gum"
Whatever, today's the day I'd beat him, thought.
"Y/n." Elaine said firmly snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yeah?" I said.
"Yeah what" she said her eyebrow raised expectantly. I sighed and said " yeah, Sensei?"
"Better!" She chirped. Then she launched into a long winded speech about how she was so rapid of me how strong I had gotten and how she's leaving me to be with Hisoka. Then Hisoka cut in and described how he bought a flat in York New for us to dump our stuff before we go take the Hunter's exam. Truthfully, I knew this was coming but I groaned internally knowing how much Hisoka wanted that license and why he wanted it. I mean we killed for a living but I only killed those who had committed rape, child/sex trafficking, domestic abuse, and other such crimes. Even though I only took jobs to kill those slime bags, I never loved the feeling of killing. Nonetheless, I'd miss Elaine dearly but I get she had to live her life and I thanked her for saving me all those years ago. I hugged her and started crying. She was like my second mom after all! Well, more like the cool aunt I always wanted! She said " hey girl, I'll miss you too- but you and I need, I mean NEED to hit these cities while we're still in shape, amirite?" She said weakly laughing but crying nonetheless. " hm I agree with Elaine, y/n you need to find yourself a man before you gain any more weight" he said winking and pinching my thigh. I swatted his hand away and gave Elaine a final hug and we confirmed that we had each other's phone number, addresses, email addresses, and so on. Eventually, we made our way to the airport and dropped Elaine off at her gate. Looks like she was heading to- Los Angeles. "Don't party too hard sensei" I said to her as she walked away towards her plane to board. She just gave me the middle finger using her aura, and I had to use Gyo to see it. I smiled and turned around to face Hisoka.

I looked around for our stuff and looked at him questioning. We only had our carry on bags on us now. " ah y/n I already had our luggage delivered to our flat in York New." Hisoka said and smiled as we boarded our plane, passing the terminal to York New. He leaned down to whisper in my ear " if you were more observant, you would've known that". I was about to say something snarky but then he softly bit the tip my ear and I jumped. "Hisoka, what's wrong with you? God." I said exasperated. He's always been kinda peculiar, but he's never done anything like that before. He made a fake sad face but his eyes twinkled and he said "sorry Love". I playfully shoved him and said "it's whatever dude, let's go". So, we linked arms and headed to the seating area by our plane's gate and we waited to board.

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