Who to hang out with?

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It had been a few days of me munching on my granola bars and doing my best to stay alert in case anyone came for my badge. Hisoka continued to stay silent so most of the time I just explored the island, trying to enjoy my time and relish the present. Hisoka seemed deep in thought these past few days and I wondered what exactly he was thinking about. As I roamed the island, I found myself wanting company. I texted Elaine telling her Hisoka and I were a thing now, and I updated her on the status of us taking the hunter exam. I really missed a Elaine these days, having a friend to casually talk to and joke with. It'd be nice to fellow female who understood me, and a girl I could let loose and have fun with. Alas, I thought about who I could look for hang out with. I really tried hard to empathize with Illumi and understand him, but he still made me extremely uncomfortable so I didn't want to hang out with him for fun now, or ever really. I considered looking for Leorio or Gon. I figured, why not check on both? Leorio didn't have any aura so there wasn't much for me to go on by ways of tracking him. I really had wanted to conjure a spiral of air to take me over the island so I could have a bird's eye view. However, my 'airbending' as I call it takes extreme amounts of energy and I have to be feeling extremely strong emotions to be able to conjure more than a strong wind. I ended up deciding to revisit the river and try ride it, hoping it would take me to either Leorio or Gon, whoever happened to be near water at the moment. My balance was, and always has been shit, but I used my conjuring to create air bubbles under my feet to keep me afloat and I focused on navigating the river, using some of my conjured water as half-way oars. I passed by one guy I didn't know, and he saw me, but he I didn't come after me. I kept (attempting) to ride the current and that's when I saw Gon, his shoes and jacket off and he was asleep by the river. I jumped out of the river and tripped onto land. At that,Gon's light chestnut eyes opened and he saw me. I gleefully said, " how's it going?" He just frowned at me, clearly upset. I frowned to, and I asked, "Gon, what is it?". He said, "y/n I saw you with Hisoka. Why were you with him? Is he your...?" I didn't want Gon to dislike me because he's such a good kid and I know how Hisoka acts towards Gon. So I said to Gon, "Hisoka is my good friend, but I didn't tell him about you hunting him, ok?" Gon smiled and held out his little hand for a high five. I ignored his hand and pulled him into a hug. I really needed a hug from a baby like him. I mean, I recognized and understood his strength, but that didn't make him any less precious. I thought about how I'd like to maybe have a kid one day. Then I remembered, Hisoka would probably end up being the father. Hisoka wasn't outright evil per say, he was more of a chaotic, amoral neutral. Still, I seriously doubted his ability to be good dad. Heh, maybe in another life I could've had a stable, normal family but not in this one. I didn't mind though and I'd choose adventures with Elaine and Hisoka any day over staying in one place my whole life.

Gon and I talked some more, and eventually I left him to keep practicing hunting with his fishing rod. I thought about how he might actually get Hisoka's badge if he played his cards right.

Timeskip the last few hours of the island badge- hunt phase
I never did catch up with Leorio, but I hoped him and that blonde girl? he was with made it out alright. All last night, I felt Hisoka's intense bloodlust. He felt more desperate for a kill than usual and I wondered who he'd targeted. I wasn't worried about my friends though, I think they knew to steer clear. So did I. I wasn't about to come between Hisoka and his victim. If I had to I would, I had done it before and he never touched me he just ignored me and chased his victim with his trademark crazy face on. Also, I knew the only way for him to return to his usual self in that moment was to satisfy his bloodlust spirit tried to leave him alone in moments like that.

I found my way back to where the boat had dropped us off, and and lingered around the around the area ready to go, but I wasn't stupid enough to go out into the open clearing. My badges weren't exposed, but still, it was like begging for a fight. I started to doze off and slowly but surely I felt, smelled, and saw a few people gathering around the area I was. Soon I was awoken when felt Hisoka's aura. I swung down from my tree and found him sitting on a rock the middle of the clearing. He's there because he's daring someone to challenge him, I thought, rolling my eyes. I stayed on the outskirts, but as it became closer and closer to the deadline I creeped out of the greenery and perched myself next to Hisoka. His eyes were closed peacefully and he said nothing, just smiling. I was really starting to get tired of him being so quiet. I had given him his space this whole time, but now I really wanted someone to talk to. I eagerly said to Hisoka, "do you want to talk?" He just took my hand in his and replied with, "No, Love, I don't". I smirked in annoyance and took my hand out of his. "Ugh", I said aloud rolling my eyes. I sensed Illumi arrive, but he's the absolute last person I'd want to talk to now. Sensing Illumi as well, Hisoka opened his eyes and purple mowhawk version of Illumi came and stood in front of us. Well, more like in front of me, but still. I just gave him a small smile and a curt wave. Hisoka then said to Illumi, standing up, "Gittarackur," (I assumed that was Illumi's alias.) Hisoka continued, " I wish to immediately terminate the contract I made with you involving both me and y/n partnering with you on future missions". I just sat there listening because this was more Hisoka's business than it was mine. He's the one who made the arrangements for the contract in the first place, so if he wanted to cancel them it wasn't really my business, I thought.

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