Glow Sticks and Gore

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Ok thanks guys! UwU heh

Elaine POV
"awwwwww shit"  I yelled as the music in glo-stick rave began to grow louder. I knew the beat was about to drop and I had to find my best girl/roommate Bryce and ask her to do jelly shots with me out of Hunt's navel. It was then I noticed a text from y/n to the groupchat with me, her and Hisoka. She said, "Hisoka and I are a couple now, Elaine. Thought you should know! Love you! We'll talk after the Hunter Exam!" I groaned and pinched the bridge of my nose, shaking my head. I didn't like the idea at all, but I had known this was coming. Hisoka let his feelings about her slip to me a bit after y/n's 17th birthday. Well, it was when I purposefully used my nen ability, Molly, to get him delirious enough to tell me what the fuck was going on because he had been acting a bit strange. I also knew y/n had a crush on him a little after she turned 17 too. I was the one who convinced Hisoka to plan out a confession and wait until she was an actual adult to make a move. What a perv, I thought. I can't believe y/n likes him. It's even more of a wonder he's capable of loving y/n back. Still, y/n deserved a real choice in the matter, and she had a good head on her shoulders so i chose to trust her decisions, reluctantly. I text the groupchat and sent the message, "so happy for you y/n! Someone needs to keep that prick in line. Also, Hisoka, one wrong move and I cut off your balls." Hisoka then messaged and said, "oh Elaine, you can have my testicles, you can even eat them once you cut them off if you like, but I assure you, even as an eunuch I will find ways to pleasure y/n".  Then y/n said into the chat, "thanks Elaine! I want to visit you soon! Also, Hisoka that's inappropro" she added a frowny face. I wanted to ask y/n if she'd had sex with Hisoka yet, but I figured she'd tell me when she was comfortable. Still, I missed them. So, I sent them a picture of  me with a glow in the the dark martini, while wearing glow in the dark crowns, bracelets, and glow in the dark neon mascara. I chuckled, thinking of how I shoved some glow in the dark shit in the bottom of y/n's backpack, so she found a way to have some fun during that fucking exam. Knowing her, she'd take forever to find it but still, I smiled happily thinking about her and how she'd feel when she saw my little gift.

Your POV
Once everyone who had passed piled onto the boat, I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Gon. I turned to Hisoka and said, "thanks for not hurting him too bad". Hisoka raised his eyebrows but only said, "I only hurt him enough to make him grow. My little unripe fruit has more progress to be made." I was used to this kind of talk coming from him, but I still reminded myself to keep an eye on Gon to make sure Hisoka behaved. The boat ride to the next and final phase would apparently take all night. By now, there were so few contestants there were enough rooms for everyone to get their own. Still, I assumed Hisoka and I would share one, so once we were assigned our rooms and given the key cards to our rooms I said to Hisoka, "yours or mine?" He said, "mine. It's on the lowest floor and there are only empty rooms down there, I checked." I said "alright cool. I'm taking a shower first". Hisoka only nodded and led the way to his room, hips swinging as he walked. That man had some serious cake, I thought while smiling at the thought that he was mine. I entered the room after Hisoka. It was decently sized, had a cute porthole window, and a large mounted painting of a starfish and it had blue and white walls. The bed was queen sized and the bathroom was marble with little sea shells adorning there corners of the mirror. This boat was way nicer than the plain, contemporary rooms in the blimp, I thought. I emptied the contents of my backpack onto the bed to take inventory. I went through the few granola bars I had left, a sweaty, already used change of clothes and one more clean change of clothes. There were pads, band aids, chapstick, and glow sticks? I shook my backpack upside down and out tumbled like 20 unused glow sticks, a palm-sized speaker, glow in the dark purple and pink mascara, some glow in the dark body paint and  neon green lingerie and finally a note from Elaine. "Hope this shit finds you well, squirt. I want you to not stress or worry like I know you sometimes do. Stay loose, stay strong, and for gods sakes come visit me!  We need to get the three musketeers back together. Also, I think I know a guy who can get you a fake id. -Elaine". I smiled at all the stuff and I realized tonight would be the night me and Hisoka had a glow stick dance party. I wanted it to be a surprise so I quickly shoved what I had dumped out back into my backpack and I while he built a card house I declared I was going to take a shower. I dragged my backpack in the bathroom with me so he didn't see the glow sticks. Hisoka said sarcastically, "you'll shower with that, but not me?" I huffed and closed the door.

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